Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dining at Transy Part 2: What’s in a Swipe?

Hello and welcome to round two of the Rambler’s deep dive into dining on campus. This edition of our research has focused on a...

Dining at Transy Part 1: A Look into the Recent Changes in the Raf

Over my time at Transy there have been many changes. Countless favorable and unfavorable differences are affecting life as a senior each day. Experiencing the...

The Kentucky Theater Reopens to the Public

The Kentucky Theater was one of many businesses hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic. After being officially closed in October of 2020, the theater...
Photo from Transylvania University

2022 Kenan Lecture Welcomes U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo

This past Wednesday, March 23rd, Transylvania University once again hosted the annual Kenan Lecture. This special event is meant to gather the Transylvania community...

David Wallace-Wells: The Unthinkable about the Uninhabitable

On Wednesday, February 16th, David Wallace-Wells came to Transylvania University’s Carrick Theater to talk about his book “The Uninhabitable Earth Life After Warming” Who is David...

Don’t Give Up on Traveling Abroad: A Q&A with Tatianna Verswyvel

Almost two years ago after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Transy was forced to bring home all students studying abroad and hasn’t been...

A New “It’s On Us” Chapter Forms on Campus

*A quick disclaimer: trigger warnings for discussion of sexual assault and domestic abuse* It’s On Us is an organization founded in 2014 as an initiative...

Coming to Terms with the Closure of Gratz Perk

Welcome back to campus everyone! I’m sure we are all excited to get back to doing what we all love to do at Transy. Like...

The Untimely Construction on the Steps of Old Morrison: The Senior Perspective and an...

The 2022 senior class here at Transy has yet to have a year that even hints at normality. With nearly a year and a...

Transy Alum to Be New York Yankees Hitting Coach

There have been many notable alumni throughout Transy’s vast history, from US Senators to actual members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. However, today...


Lexington, US
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