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Deana Ison leaves her mark on Transy

After 21 years of serving both the students and the faculty of Transylvania University in various positions, Director of Special Projects Deana Ison of the Office of the President will be moving on to new endeavors. A farewell lunch will be held for Ison Thursday, Oct. 6 at 12:30 p.m. on the second floor of Old Morrison

Ison has contributed greatly to the Transy community, but the contributions that she is most proud of are mostly related to her time working in the admissions office.

During her time as a Transy student, Ison was a history and psychology double major who was assigned to do her work study in the registrar’s office. This is where she first got a taste of the administrative side of college, and she started to consider acquiring this type of job after graduation.

On completing her four years of enrollment at Transy, Ison accepted a position in the Transylvania admissions office, and she never imagined how passionate she would become in regards to her work with potential students. She started her work in the admissions office in 1995, and even though there is usually a lot of overturn in admissions, Ison did not follow suit; her fifteen years in the office made her the longest-serving admissions worker to ever come through Transy.

“I loved every minute of it,” she said about her recruitment of over 1,000 students.

“My proudest accomplishment is every student that I helped with the transition from high school to college,” she said. “I enjoyed being a part of one of the biggest decisions that these high school students had ever had to make. Being a trusted advisor and confidante for both the students and their parents was easily the highlight of my professional career.”

Being a trusted advisor and confidante for both the students and their parents was easily the highlight of my professional career.

This, though, was not even close to the only accomplishment that Ison achieved or contribution that she made while working at Transy. Ison ran the W.T. Young Scholarship program for ten years, and she also is the reason that t-shirts are given to the students who take a tour of the campus; the latter is a result of her overhaul in 2007 of the campus visit program at Transy.

She also collaborated with the admissions office at the University of Kentucky in order to create a workshop for new high school admissions counselors, whose goal was to help them become more educated on how to help high schoolers to understand the college administration and financial aid process. This was a project that she was involved in for ten years.

Ison was also the first ever person from Transy to be elected to serve on the College Board Southern Region Council.

After 15 loyal years in admissions, Ison transitioned to work in the President’s Office as an executive assistant, which she has been doing for six years. During her time in this role, she was proud to have the opportunity to launch the pilot term of the 100 Doors Mentoring Program.

I have had an emotionally fulfilling career at Transy, and I still keep in touch with many of the students who I mentored and recruited.

“I have had an emotionally fulfilling career at Transy, and I still keep in touch with many of the students who I mentored and recruited,” she said.

Part of the reason that her career was so satisfying is that she was able to see Transy through three different perspectives: as a student, as an admissions worker, and as a member of the President’s Office.

“Transy is more special because of how I was able to see Transy through the eyes of the students who I recruited,” she says, adding that after a little bit of a change of scenery, students just may see her back around campus.

‘The Heart of a Runner:’ part one

“Running has been not only my outlet for these past six years, it has also been a source of inspiration for me. There’s so much beauty and strength to be found in running! So a little while ago, I got inspired and wrote some poetry about the different sides of running. I wrote three poems. The first poem is called Quiet Chaos and it’s about my old cross country days, running through the woods during practice!” -Savannah Hemmer, junior

Quiet Chaos

A simple path lies under the trees,

With bumps and rocks,

Mud patches and dead leaves,

Fallen logs and steep hills.

Sunlight ripples between the trees.

Somewhere a creek is bubbling,

Sounds of birds calling,

And the feel of the cool breeze.

Then out of nowhere,

With the snap of a twig,

Shouts, laughter, and screams,

Intruders interrupt the Zen-like forest.

They come fast,

With loud complaints,

Heavy breathing,

Crashing through the threshold.

Though they unashamedly disrupt,

The balance of nature,

They are only daily trespassers,

In too much of a hurry to care.

But as quickly as they come,

They vanish,

Taking with them their chaos,

They restore the path to its former tranquility.

The woods adjust to these daily intrusions.

The birds chirp and the creek babbles,

As the shadows continue to dance,

To the music of the wind carrying distant voices.

Head to Head: Are Transy’s residency requirements unduly restrictive? Yes.

Each Wednesday, Taylor Felts and Jacob Broyles will tackle two sides of a contentious issue facing the Transy community. This week, we ask the question “Do Transy’s residency requirements impose an undue burden on students?” 

Read Taylor Felts arguing the opposite here.

The overwhelming majority of Transylvania’s student body live on campus.  This is likely in part due to the somewhat stringent residency requirements imposed on students.  The reason given on Transylvania’s website for their restrictions is the following: “Transylvania University seeks to provide an educational environment conducive to the learning process, and we consider our residence hall program a major part of that learning environment.”

This does not make much sense considering the seeming arbitrariness of the restrictions in relation to the stated reason for the restrictions.  In order to circumvent living on campus a student must meet one of the following requirements: 1. Achieves senior status (27 course units) before the beginning of the fall term 2. Is 21 years old before the beginning of the fall term 3. Is married and/or has dependents 4. Lives with parent(s) and/or legal guardian within 50 miles of campus.

This clearly has nothing to do with an environment conducive to the learning process.  One could easily make the case that, in Transylvania’s own terms, a student living alone in an apartment style complex five to ten miles away from campus can be a part of the Transylvania community far better than a student that lived 50 miles away with their parents.  The difference between these two situations is that it is much easier to tell a student they can’t live alone off campus than it is to tell a student and their parents that the student can’t go to school while living at home.  There would inevitably be far more resistance to preventing students from being able to live at home. Aside from it being more difficult to impose restrictions on students living from home, there are no clear differences that would make living at home an environment more conducive to learning.  If anything it seems as though living at home could pose more barriers to the learning process, between the potential distance, distractions with family and other responsibilities at home.

In the absence of a clear explanation for the residential requirements, I am inclined to assume that it has to do with the money to be made off of students living on campus.  I am open to there being better reasons for the current policy, but they are not articulated anywhere that I could find.  Simply saying that living on campus creates an environment more conducive to learning is a highly non-substantive explanation for the policy.  A policy requiring students to spend thousands of dollars on top of an already expensive tuition for largely unsubstantiated reasons is ridiculous.  Transylvania needs to either do away with or heavily revise their residency requirements, or provide a detailed explanation as to why it is so important that students pay to live on campus.  I have lived off campus for the past year, and I do not feel that the quality of my learning environment is impacted by my choice to live off campus. Consequently, I am inclined to think that the restrictions are unnecessary. However, I think it is more important to acknowledge that Transylvania needs to be more consistent and substantial in its justification and application of its residency requirements.  The substantial amount of money it takes to live on campus should be followed by substantial justification if students are required to live on campus.

Head to Head: Are Transy’s residency requirements unduly restrictive? Not exactly.

Each Wednesday, Taylor Felts and Jacob Broyles will tackle two sides of a contentious issue facing the Transy community. This week, we ask the question “Do Transy’s residency requirements impose an undue burden on students?” 

Read Jacob Broyles arguing the opposite here.

While Transylvania’s stipulations regarding whether students can live off campus are exacting, the sense of community that is ultimately procured through this policy is of great value, and is an asset to the university’s environment at large.

According to Transy’s Housing Requirements, “Requests for exemption from the housing requirement must document extreme circumstance.” Aside from this amorphous outlier, to live off campus with sanction, a student must achieve senior status before the beginning of fall term, be at least 21, or be married and/or with dependents (or a student could be living with their family). Unfortunately, a student’s likelihood of living off campus is significantly diminished by these rigorous requirements. For some students this possibility is eradicated wholly; and with this loss, the potential for having had a valuable life experience as well.

If Transylvania is truly focused on student learning, there is arguably a great deal more that can be learned (that really should be learned) if the student lives off campus. When a student lives without the advantages of a meal plan, a diminutive walk to class, and guaranteed utilities, they must become self-reliant. Under the current housing stipulations, there is high likelihood that a Transylvania student could, hypothetically, go four years and never have to scramble to submit a utilities payment on time—or rent, for that matter. Whether it is grocery shopping or cleaning one’s own bathroom, there are a slew of practical items that should be mastered by the time the student graduates. While it is true that within some Transylvania accommodations students live more independently, all are still undoubtedly safeguarded by the university safety net, because even the apartments on 4th Street—the most independent of living arrangements—belong to and are managed by Transy.

The abundance and near totality of students living on campus creates students that are sheltered (for better or for worse), and who are in many practical ways naive. With everything so readily provided for the students, there’s not a great measure of independence that they must muster. While Transylvania attends to students’ academic growth, in many ways Transylvania no doubt also contributes to the growth of the individual by and large. While growths of character and social temperament are important, so too is the ability to live as an independently functioning adult. With housing requirements as exacting as they are, the potentially beneficial experience of living off campus is, in effect, withheld from the student until they are a senior. And more than this, it is impossible to ignore the potential financial merit in finding accommodation elsewhere, as Transylvania housing is costly, and also typically necessitates the purchase of an accompanying meal plan (also costly).

While I understand the community that the housing requirements establishes, the fact that the student is not totally free to live where they might wish is off-putting to me, especially coming from a culture where students typically live fairly far off campus as sophomores (the University of Kentucky). I lived next to State Street my sophomore year at UK, and my walk to class was generally in the twenty to thirty minute range.

However, this being said, the community I’ve experienced since coming to Transylvania is remarkable, especially in comparison with my former university. As the vast majority of the student body lives on campus, the sense that anyone can be readily reached is prolific, and effectively creates strong community, community which grounds the student and affords them with support and with security. Does compliance with Transylvania’s housing requirements place undue restriction on the student’s ability to live where they please? No, it does not, as the overwhelming aim seems to be to keep as many students living on campus as possible. The end result of this contract is an overwhelming sense of community, which shapes and defines the Transy environment.

This amiable and inclusive culture is no doubt largely due to the general centrality of student residence about campus; so while I agree that the housing requirements are relatively inflexible, and potentially problematic, I support what they are ultimately working for—an intimate student body, a connected student body, and really just students who feel at home.

‘The Davis Bricks’ band rocks campus

“Last year, we always wanted to get a band together,” said junior Dane Ritter. “It’s a “Sig” [Delta Sigma Phi] tradition to have a band, so we really wanted to bring music back to the campus once again.”

Seniors Justin Wright, Alex Isaac, Erik Mudrak and Ritter have done just that with their band, The Davis Bricks 

The name The Davis Bricks is kind of an inside joke among Transy staff and students, referring to the old residence hall, Davis.

Demolition of Clay and Davis Residence Halls

The Davis Bricks has been in the works since last year and they have just recently made their debut. Their sound is very unique, in a good way, the members aren’t quite sure what they would call their sound. They explained it as equal ground that they just happened to find.

“I think it’s really important that we all come from different musical backgrounds. Justin comes from a background of Gospel music, Erik and Alex have a more rock influence and I kind of just play whatever I need to,” said Ritter. “We play a variety of music so a variety of play styles is encouraged. Justin and I can really go with whatever while Alex and Erik seem to be more a part of the indie scene.”

As Dane Ritter said, diversity is very much embodied by the bandmates themselves and they really bring it out in their music. Their setlist includes The Beatles, Paramore, Hozier and, as Justin Wright hopes soon, Frank Sinatra. Obviously the genre of the band is kind of a mystery, its very different, but Erik Mudrak tried to pinpoint it:

“We are kind of all over the place. Indie rock to, like, middle school jams is the range of the genre. It kind of caters to the musical tastes of college students and is reminiscent of what they [college students] listened to in seventh grade.”

The Davis Bricks performing during August Term this year

It is a very broad genre that they try to encompass, but it all falls together. The general consensus is that the hardest part was getting everyone to rehearsal, as Alex Isaac illustrates:

“I will say, though, that rehearsals are totally the hardest. We always say something like ‘Do we need to practice? Meh, we can push it back.’ And so for our last show, we ended up learning our whole set five days before the show.”

As for where they want this band to go it is unclear. But the band members definitely want it to be successful and they want everyone to be able to enjoy what they have to offer.

“I don’t know. We are just kinda going on a whim, we just want to perform for the campus. If we could get gigs in the community [Lexington] that would be awesome! But we haven’t really expected that, we just like to make music,” said Wright.

Despite the unorthodox setlist and impromptu nature of the band, they have a professional, well-put-together sound. The Davis Bricks will be performing next at the Chi Omega Fall Field Day on Oct. 9.

Chi Omega

They will also be performing at Family Weekend. That’s all they have planned so far, but they hope to do more.

Keep a lookout for this new and upcoming band. They have a unique sound and song choice. But overall the band’s goal is simply to make music and share it with the campus.

“We love music, we love performing, and we love sharing that with others,” said Isaac.

Ten Easy AND Healthy Snacks To Keep In Your Dorm Room


It’s so much easier to maintain a healthy diet when you’re living at home during the summer without a meal plan. Living on campus means being surrounded by burgers, fries, snack wraps, and endless chicken tender meals from the Raf. So, here are 10 snack ideas to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle even while living on campus.

  1. Hummus is always an easy snack to keep in your dorm room. Try pairing it with pretzel thins or vegetables! Senior Alli Duncan said she likes to pair hummus with carrots.
  1. Baby Bell cheese or string cheese are also good staples to keep in your dorm room fridge. Pair them with pretzels or crackers for a little something extra.
  1. A good alternative for salty chips is veggie straws. They satisfy your salty cravings and also give you something a little healthier to munch on while studying.
  1. Peanut butter is a must have if you’re living on campus. If you happen to miss a meal, this is easy to pair with crackers or bread. You can also pair a little peanut butter with a banana or apple for a mid-day snack.
  1. Almonds, cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, and pecans are all great to snack on throughout the day. You can also mix in dried cranberries or raisins to jazz up this simple snack.
  1. Sugary cereals aren’t the healthiest choice, but cheerios or Chex are good alternatives to potato chips.
  1. Rice cakes are another good alternative to potato chips. Junior Kate McMahan recommends the apple cinnamon rice cakes and suggests putting a little peanut butter on them too.
  1. Smoothies are also easy to make in a dorm room. According to junior Kenzie Hall, “I really like Taco Bell. Taco Bell is my jam, but when I’m not eating that I like to make smoothies in my Nutribullet.” Everything in moderation, right?
  1. Yogurt and granola is always a great combo if you need a quick and easy breakfast before class. Junior Lindsey Sizemore said she likes to mix peanut butter and granola into her Greek yogurt
  1. Dried fruit is an easy snack that doesn’t require any preparation. Sophomore Daniel McCarthy said that dried fruit is like candy, and junior Laura Daley suggested pairing it with a cheese cube for a sweet and salty combo.

Interview Podcast: Kitchen Table Talk

This week, the Rambler Interview Podcast listens in on a conversation that took place in the Morlan Gallery on Thursday, Sept. 29. To coincide with the themes of the American Mortal exhibition, the gallery hosted a Kitchen Table Talk on politics, and why people tend to shy away from political discussions. Transy WRC professor Gary Deaton guided the discussion.

Pioneer Leadership Program takes new direction


Transylvania University is known for being anything but ordinary, so it only seems fitting that Transylvania’s Pioneer Leadership Program be extraordinary as well. The program is described on Transylvania’s website as “a co-curricular experience that helps students explore leadership theories and develop a skill set and encourages meaningful engagement in campus and community life.”

New Director of Campus Engagement Hunter Williams is now in charge of program. Although the program is entering its third year now, with a new director comes change.

The goal of the program is still the same, to teach students about leadership through multiple sessions.

Williams discussed the positive aspects of the program saying that, “Each year, students go to sessions that really build on each other.” These sessions have a wide range of possibilities.

Williams described that in the past the program had mainly focused on theories of leadership and the discussion of these theories, but this year students are going to put these theories into action by getting involved in the community. Williams said, “There are going to be many great changes this year.”

The Pioneer Leadership Program is aimed at bettering each individual involved as a communicator, as a leader, and as a future participator in the work force. Williams stressed the importance of sessions in which the program will partner with Transylvania’s Career Services. Students in the program will be using these sessions to learn more about life after Transy as well as learning how to build a resume.

Williams also explained the new qualifications to be a part of the program. The Leadership Program aims to have participants that are well-rounded and engaged with their community.

“Each participating student must be involved in one other club and needing to be a part of the 100 Doors Mentoring Program,” she said

This year there are 18 freshman joining the Pioneer Leadership Program, one of those being Kenzy Moore.

“I’m so excited to see what we’ll get to do this year, and I can’t wait to see who I’ll get to work with,” said Moore.

Moore is just one of 18 freshman joining the 21 sophomores and juniors that are already involved in the program. Even though this program already has a great reputation, it is relatively new to Transylvania considering they are about to start their third year.

When asked about her expectations for the upcoming year Moore said, “I find it extremely interesting that we’re going to learn about ourselves and grow as leaders in the process.”

Moore discussed how her August Term professor Dr. Evans encouraged her to apply for the program. “Dr. Evans definitely saw the best in all of us. He really thought this program would be perfect for me and I completely agree.”

Those interested in applying for the program next year should have a level of enthusiasm for positive social change and have interest in engaging in the community.

“This is a very unique opportunity for students at Transy and I’m very excited about this upcoming year,” said Williams.

Bryan Station should include fine arts in academy program

“We are the dancers, artists, musicians, writers, and actors of the future. We are being denied the chance to pursues our dream.”

This quote is the slogan of a new movement at Bryan Station High School, simply titled “#DefendingArts.”

Bryan Station is located just outside the heart of Lexington. Bryan Station has been looked at negatively by the community of Fayette County for a long time, this is due to violent events, such as vicious fights and a stabbing, that have happened over the last couple of years.bryan_station_crest

Bryan Station has tried to overturn the predisposition that citizens of Lexington have towards the school by starting a social media campaign titled, “#DefendingStation.” (This is where “#DefendingArts” came from.) So far it has worked, Bryan Station has gotten quite a bit of positive attention from The Lexington Herald-Leader, and This success can be attributed to the pride students, staff, and alumni have started publicly showing towards Bryan Station.

Though now that they have made these improvements it seems they [Bryan Station] may be taking a step backward.

Next year, Bryan Station plans to begin using academies in order to equip their students with what they need to be “College/Career Ready.” There is already an Information Technology Academy at Bryan Station. Currently, the academies that will be available are: an Engineering, Manufacturing, and Robotics Academy; The Academy of Leadership and Professionalism; The Academy of Information Technology; and The Academy of Medical Sciences and Human Services. As a student, all of these seem like they would be excellent tools to have at your disposal, and they are…for some students.

Currently, there is no Fine Arts Academy and there is no plan to add one.

Art students at Bryan Station are outraged, to them it feels as though administration is saying that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields are more viable to start a career in. At the beginning of a student’s sophomore year they will pick a major within one of the academies. While StationARTS, which is their [Bryan Station’s] current arts program, will still offer art classes to certain students, there is no College/Career readiness program for the Arts.

Transylvania junior and Bryan Station alumna Abigail Hamilton finds this situation discouraging and frustrating as well. She wrote the following in response:

“Encouraging a more college oriented pathway while simultaneously shutting down departments tells students that there are no opportunities in these fields. Had I not had the opportunity to explore my love for theater at Bryan Station, I would not have the scholarship that allows me to be at Transylvania. In a school that draws from the poorest areas of Lexington, students at BSHS need to be exposed to as much opportunity as they can in the hopes that they can receive scholarships that would allow them to go to college, if they so choose. Bryan Station has a wonderful population of students, who come from a multitude of backgrounds that contribute to the unique culture in the school. These students need the opportunity to express their experiences through the Arts so that they can see themselves as talented, well-rounded, and expressive students. The opportunity given to me at Bryan Station was life changing, and knowing that some students could potentially not experience these benefits is heart breaking. The Arts offer opportunity, and this is exactly what Bryan Station students need.”

There are plenty of viable careers in the arts and students should have the opportunity to learn more if they find they want to pursue a career in the arts. The fact that Bryan Station has decided that a Fine Arts Academy is not something that they would want in their school is discouraging. Not only to fine art supporters everywhere but to the students who may have had interest in pursuing Fine Arts in college or even as a career after high school.

Bryan Station has improved their Arts program, and their school in general, greatly just over the past three years. So it is a little disconcerting that Bryan Station would choose to do something that has affected so many students to the point that they decided to create a petition and launch a social media campaign to support the Fine Arts at Bryan Station.

This lack of support towards Arts education is nothing new in Kentucky though. When a state’s top officials denounce careers and studies in the Fine Arts, it can be expected that people will start to conform. People should be able to decide for themselves what they want to do, and what is important to them. The denunciation may deter some students from pursuing the arts, but the neglect is what keeps them from succeeding in the arts.

It is not fair that a student who decides to become an engineer gets the support and tools they need to succeed. However, when a student decides that they want to become an artist, musician, actor, etc, they find that people just try to discourage them and that the same resources that an engineer receives is not available to them.

Although there is a way to fight this, the most direct way being by signing this petition. Once this petition is signed by 1,500 people it will be delivered to James McMillian, the principal of Bryan Station High School, during a SBDM (Site Based Decision Making) council meeting.

“I truly believe that there is something within every human being that cannot be expressed with words…It is important to explore those parts of the human experience through the Arts, because there are simply no other ways to accomplish to do so. Cutting the arts program could potentially be closing the only window of opportunity that the students at BSHS have to being able to learn and experience the arts in an academic setting. These students who excel in the arts deserve to fine tune their talents and knowledge just as much as those who excel in mathematics and science.”

The idea of the academy system is revolutionary and very interesting. It is just frustrating and disappointing that Bryan Station decided that they should not give the Fine Arts the same resources as their STEM programs. It is time to start realizing that people are individuals, and art is a way of expressing one’s individuality.

As Hamilton, pointed out well, no one is asking for anything more, they are just asking for the same opportunity “to fine tune their talents and knowledge just as much as those who excel in mathematics and science.”

Lexington artist chronicles his life in UK art gallery

Until Nov. 27 of this fall, local artist Louis Zoellar Bickett’s exhibit “Saving Myself” will be on display at the UK Art Museum.

At first glance, the gallery looks like organized chaos. The contents of a pack rat’s house spread throughout a shiny white art gallery. But, upon closer inspection the items all start to make sense. Scattered across the walls are haikus written by Bickett, twenty-four framed photos of the artist in the same suit, but different hats, and a bus mirror engraved with the word “Faggot” so you can not look at yourself without seeing that word.


“Saving Myself” is a conglomerate work of different projects Bickett has presented throughout his career. Chronicalizing what it’s like to grow up gay in the south during the 50’s and 60’s at the forefront of the civil rights movement; picture frames are labeled with “faggot, n—–, cracker, and dyke” confronting the derogatory slang by labeling pictures of himself, his friends, and family with the terms. Lawn jockeys, which generally portray racial stereotypes, hold signs stating facts about the realities of the lynchings in the south. One reads, “Local authorities, if they did not actively assist in it, usually did nothing to stop a lynching.”


One corner of the gallery boasts a collection of ID’s, tags, hospital bracelets, and other momentos hanging from lanyards covering the two adjacent walls. Each item collected by the artist at a certain point in his life and memorialized in his exhibit. Another corner, is home to a cabinet full of glass jars filled with soil and water from places of importance to the artist: Central Park, Isle of Palms, South Carolina, The Mississippi River at New Orleans, LA, and Civil War Battlegrounds.

To the right of the cabinet are archives of collected obituaries filling black binders on shelves from Bickett’s “The Obituary Project.” To the left is a binder of post cards addressed to the artist from himself, collected from places visited and covered in phrases and rubber stamps.


At the front of the exhibit is a a large glass case of random items from the artist’s life in a piece called “The Archive Louis Zoellar Bickett.” Cookie jars, baby shoes, Chinese takeout boxes, and jars of condoms are tagged with the dates these items were collected or received and how they were obtained. Each item saved by Bickett like a hoarder, but organized with meticulous detail.


To the left of Bickett’s archive is a case of  seventy seven bibles. Some with bolts locking them shut and other’s with perfect circular holes in the middle of them. Throughout the exhibit are framed photographs of Bickett wearing a tweed suit and fedora holding different books, such as The Holy Bible and Grapes of Wrath. Each book holding a significance to the artist and his story to tell.


The UK Art Museum is open to the public Tues.-Thurs. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sat.-Sun. noon to 5 p.m. with free admission.


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