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Transy community rallies around professor during difficult time


With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to change lives and impact so many, we wanted to highlight how the Transy community is rallying around one of our own during a difficult time. 

Gary Deaton, a beloved Writing, Rhetoric, and Communication professor and Director of Forensics at Transy has received an outpouring of support from the school’s community after a golfing accident left him facing surgery and recovery during an already difficult time. The Transy community has rallied around Deaton with encouraging messages and well-wishes, while members of the faculty have set up a Meal Train page as a way to donate gift cards for food delivery services like Grubhub and Doordash to provide meals.

We reached out to some of Gary’s colleagues, students, and friends to hear about the impact he’s had on the Transy community since he began teaching there over two decades ago. The inspiring words written about Deaton in the video below are a testament to the dedication and effort he puts into his teaching at Transy and his genuine care for students.

How to take care of your mental and physical health during quarantine

During this unprecedented time, it is more important than ever to take care of our bodies. Your mental health and physical health go hand-in-hand, and when you put care into one, the other will follow. Through meditation, exercise, and socialization (at a safe distance), you can stay mentally and physically healthy! Below you will find a how-to meditation guide, links for working out, and some ideas for socializing during quarantine.


Five benefits of meditation

  • Reduces stress
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Helps sleep
  • Decreases depression
  • Builds focus

How to meditate

  • Step 1: Find a quiet spot. Choose a place and time where you won’t be interrupted for however long you wish.
  • Step 2: Sit in a comfortable position. Either in a chair or crisscross on the floor, have your back straight and relaxed. Once in that position, release tension in your shoulders, arms, legs, and neck.
  • Step 3: Focus on your breathing. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Pay attention to the air entering and exiting your body. When you feel ready, move your focus to your chest rising and falling during each breath.
  • Step 4: Notice thoughts that arise. It is completely natural for your mind to wander during the meditation practice. Recognize these thoughts and dismiss them. Pass your thoughts by refocusing on your breath.
  • Step 5: When you’re finished, calmly come back to the present.
  • It is up to you if you want to have background noise or not. I find it easier to have a relaxing sound on low volume. In the past, I used “waterfall.” Currently, I am using “clarity.” (I use the app below for sounds.)
  • For guided or unguided meditation, download the app “Oak.” This app contains meditation options, including a guided meditation for sleep. For whatever option you chose, it comes with a timer, 12 different sounds, and the ability to set chimes to keep your mind focused.


  • Five benefits of exercise
    • Mental Clarity
    • Muscle definition and strengthening
    • Lower blood pressure
    • Release of ‘feel-good’ hormones
    • Burst of Vitamin D (reduces depression) with exercising outdoors
  • Types of working out:
    • Walking
    • Running
    • Strengthening exercises (core, arms, legs)
      • My go-to: five sets of 1 minute plank (30 second normal, 30 second side dips), 10 pushups, 60 Russian twists.
    • Yoga/Pilates
        • I particularly enjoy Vinyasa flow yoga! Once I finish the sequence, I feel like my body is properly aligned and energized!!

 Socializing while social distancing

  • It is important to note that socialization is beneficial for your mental and physical health. Even in quarantine, there are ways to connect with family and friends!
    • Netflix party
        • I highly recommend this!! When I watch a movie with someone over Facetime or Zoom, and the other person says something, I often miss what the character said. Netflix party has a chat feature next to the video, so it is a fun way to talk with minimal disruption!

Staff Picks: TV shows to binge in quarantine


The topic for this week’s Staff Picks is the staff’s top three TV shows they are binge-watching to pass the time in quarantine. If you have any topic suggestions that you would like to hear from us about, please email us at

Taylor Mahlinger, Editor-in-Chief:

“1. My sister got me hooked on The Office a few years ago, and I absolutely love it. There’s an episode to suit any mood you’re in and it never fails to cheer me up. It is currently available on Netflix.

2. Seinfeld is one of my all-time favorite shows because I watched it with my family growing up and the humor is absolutely classic. It is available on Hulu (with ads).

3. Surprise…another old show! The Golden Girls is another one that I grew up watching and has remained one of my favorites to this day. Watching Rose, Sophia, Blanche, and Dorothy try to get themselves out of their predicaments makes it a lighthearted, fun show to watch any time, especially now. Like Seinfeld, It is also available on Hulu with ads.”

Abby Stone, Managing Editor:

“1. NCIS (Netflix) – always a classic for humor, forensics, and crime.

2. Sex and the City (Amazon Prime Video) – it’s been a show I’ve always watched with my sisters.

3. The Bold Type (Hulu) – I have been meaning to catch up on this show for months, and now I have the time to do it!”

Shawna Morton, Back-end Editor:

“1. Bob’s Burgers (Hulu)

2. Letterkenny (Hulu)

3.The Bold Type (Hulu).

If you can’t tell, I don’t have Netflix.”

Gabrielle Crooks, Staff Photographer:

“1. Brooklyn nine-nine: (Hulu) I just started it for the first time. The comedy is spectacular and lightens things up.

2. One punch man: (Hulu) an excellent anime series for when you want to be entertained but not emotionally devastated.

3. Golden Girls: (Hulu) a classic comedy with excellent life lessons and good heartfelt moments.”

Nyah Mattison, Graphic Design and Media Editor:

1. Westworld (The new season just released so now is the perfect time to get caught up)

2. Tiger King

3. Schitt’s Creek

Will Hickey, Staff Contributor:

“Tiger King on Netflix, I’m sure this is popular but who doesn’t like watching crazy people who own Tigers, which also happens to be a true crime!? Joe Exotic is a fun character.

There is also the West Wing. That’s also on Netflix, and with there being tons of seasons and episodes, you can definitely watch that for the rest of quarantine!”

Ainsley Marlette, Social Media Editor:

“I have been watching The West Wing on loop.. but, Sex In the City and Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist have been my backups!”

Katherine Shearer, Staff Contributor:

“I am watching Scandal on Netflix because it’s drama in politics and fun to try to think as the characters think.

I am watching Tiger King on Netflix because it’s all everyone is talking about, and it’s crazy. I have never seen anything like it and didn’t know anything like that existed so it’s interesting to watch new things.

I am watching Blacklist because I used to watch it and am now catching up on what I have missed. I like how there are so many stories happening at once and it’s fun to keep up with them.”

Ruben Joseph, Staff Contributor:

“1. Good Girls- Hulu

2. Dynasty- Netflix

3. Riverdale- Netflix”

Quarantine pet pals

From spring break, to extended spring break, to packing your things and social distancing, it has been a hectic month for many as we work to adapt to a new normal. I could go on about the struggles brought on by COVID-19, or…we could look at pet photos instead!

The Rambler asked readers to submit photos of their quarantine pet pals that are on this journey with them, and here are the cute results. We hope these images can bring a smile to your faces this week. Enjoy!
Quarantine Pals

No Images found.

Staff Picks: quarantine edition


Since we are stuck in our homes, the topic for this week’s Staff Picks will be three things our staff members are doing to stay occupied, healthy and happy during the quarantine. If you have any topic suggestions that you would like to hear from us about, please email us at

Taylor Mahlinger, Editor-in-Chief:

“1. I’ve been trying to keep a somewhat regular routine by setting goals and making a to-do list every morning. This might seem small, but it really helps me stay organized and brings a sense of normality to my life.

2. Since the weather has been so beautiful, my sister and I have been going on walks every night after dinner. I think getting out of the house in the sunshine and fresh air is a great mood booster, especially during this time when people are staying home.

3. I’ve mostly been binging two of my favorites: The Office and The Golden Girls (plus lots of popcorn).”

Abby Stone, Managing Editor:

“1. Working out/yoga – this is really helping me to get out of my own headspace when you’re trapped inside all day.

2. Reading list – I’ve been catching up on some books I have been meaning to read, which is helping to stimulate my mind.

3. Binge-watching (of course) – I just started All American, which I am loving, but I’m also returning back to good classics, like Sex and the City.”

Shawna Morton, Back-end Editor:

“Three things I am doing during quarantine (other than school):

1.) I am drawing and painting

2.) I am working on sewing a dress for my friend’s wedding

3.) I am playing music on the piano and guitar (bassoon and bari too)”

Gabrielle Crooks, Staff Photographer:

“1) I have been reading a lot! I’ve taken on IT and Misery both by Stephen King, as well as Pretty Girls by Karen Slaughter

2) I have been doing crafts I use to do as a kid, I have a giant paint by numbers thing to pass the time

3) video games, lots of gaming time”

Ainsley Marlette, Social Media Editor:

“Over the break, I have been watching a lot of movies, working out, and organizing my closet (shout out to Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix)!”

Will Hickey, Staff Contributor:

“While trapped in the house, I have watched a lot of documentaries and movies, but if anyone is trying to get a win on Call of Duty War Zone, I’ve been playing that a lot! One last thing I do is take a lot more family walks!”

Katherine Shearer, Staff Contributor:

“Three things I am doing during quarantine is binge-watching Friday Night Lights, going on a daily run to get out of the house, and watching a lot of tik toks.”

Calling all student artists and musicians

The COVID-19 pandemic has canceled a lot of plans, including for Transy’s art and music students who were set to showcase their hard work throughout the remainder of Winter Term. Even though we can’t be physically present on campus, we would still like to hear and see what you’ve been working on all semester!

Whether you want to share a song you were going to perform from Cabaret, a monologue from the spring play, or if you want to share an expert piece from band, choir or orchestra, or even a solo you were going to perform this semester, we want to provide a platform for all of it to be heard.

We would also like to provide a virtual art gallery for art students! Simply take pictures of what you have worked on this semester and send them to

As a fellow musician, I understand how hard it is to work towards something all semester and never get the chance to perform or showcase whatever it is in an actual space. We would like to provide our student artists and musicians with that space. Please send videos of you performing your pieces to  If the file is too large, simply upload it to your Google Drive and share with the same email address.

Help us showcase Transy excellence during this difficult time and remember that we are still a community, even when we can’t be together.

The Rambler is back: quarantine edition


Dear Rambler Readers,

In this time of a global and nationwide pandemic, it can be easy to forget how resilient we are as a community and as a university. As your student-run newspaper, we want to provide you with accurate reporting during a time when misinformation and competing perspectives are all around us. With that being said, we would like to take the remainder of the academic year to offer entertaining and engaging content to all of our readers. In the coming weeks, we will work to provide exciting content and campus updates to the best of our abilities. Since students have moved back to their residences and campus activities have been postponed, please understand that our content will not be as frequent nor as focused on campus life as per usual. Be on the lookout for our hashtag #RambleOnGratitude on our Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages!

Thank you for your continued support, especially now.

Update: how the COVID-19 Pandemic is impacting Transy


Transylvania released an updated statement from the President’s Office on March 18 at approximately 3:02 p.m. EST via email that was sent out to the campus community. The updates listed in the email include the decisions to move all classes to remote delivery for the remainder of Winter Term and to make May Term classes available only to seniors who need them to graduate. Although there was no final word on the 2020 commencement ceremony, the update stated, “We are considering options for commencement, including postponement from Saturday, May 23, to a later date. Candidates who have completed all degree requirements, however, will receive their degree posted as of May 23, 2020, so they might progress to graduate or professional school or employment.” All of the updates outlined in detail can be found here on the University’s COVID-19 Response Updates page.

These updates have left many students with questions and concerns surrounding financial reimbursement, class registration, move-out procedures, and grading for the remainder of the term. The Rambler spoke to Dr. Michael Cairo who currently serves as the Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the University about these concerns.

May Term

Yesterday’s message has left Transy underclassmen wondering about the fate of their May Term classes and how the lost credit will be made up next year.

Cairo said, “As Interim President Williams noted in his message on Wednesday, because May term classes are unique and provide highly interactive learning, offering them online is challenging. We have more than 100 seniors to accommodate with courses for this May term and so our focus right now is on getting them the credits they need to graduate.”

In regards to the current juniors who are concerned about potentially having to take five classes during one of the terms in the next academic year, Cairo said, “Our Pioneer Pledge guarantees graduation in four years, and we will honor this pledge to our students. If that means providing flexibility in 2020-2021 for our current juniors, that’s certainly something our incoming dean and vice president of academic affairs can consider once we have a better sense of the situation.”


According to yesterday’s email from the Presidents Office, all residential students are being asked to move out by Tuesday, March 24th (with the exception of those who received approval to stay until April 6) and for everyone (even approved students) to complete this form. The updates regarding move-out also stated, “Information for athletes and off-campus students who need to retrieve items such as musical instruments or other academic materials will be provided shortly.”

Class registration for Fall 2020

Cairo said, “We plan to conduct Fall 2020 registration from Monday, May 4-Friday, May 8.  We are currently working on a plan to facilitate advising between faculty and students.”


According to Penn State’s student newspaper The Daily Pennsylvanian, some schools such as Carnegie Mellon University and Georgetown University have begun to allow their students to “opt-in to pass/fail grading.” As for whether or not Transy will consider moving in a similar direction, Cairo said, “We are evaluating this option in consultation with the Faculty Concerns Committee and the Committee on Program and Curriculum, but no decision has been made. If we move in the direction of a Pass/Fail option, we will certainly consider allowing students to choose their grading option. We hope to have more guidance on this soon.”

Financial reimbursement

Student billing specialist, Kim Gibson-Pierce shed some light on the concerns about refunds. “It is Transylvania’s intent to deliver the full instructional content for the Winter 2020 term to all of our students. Accordingly, at this time, there is no plan to provide tuition refunds. We’re considering the impact of the current move to remote learning on student fees for housing and food service and will have additional details in the near future.”

As stated in the President’s updated message yesterday, “The impact of the change to remote learning on student fees for housing, food service and financial aid is under review, and we will have additional details in the near future. (There are no fees associated with May term, per the university catalog.).”

These changes will have a lasting impact on everyone, especially the class of 2020 as they transition to complete the remainder of the academic year beginning March 23rd and May Term on April 27th remotely to fulfill requirements needed to graduate on time.

We will continue to provide updates on the impact of COVID-19 as it relates to the Transy community. If you have any questions or concerns, please submit them to

The Rambler responds: COVID-19 (coronavirus) updates


In light of recent news, The Rambler has decided to suspend regular reporting for the next few weeks with the exception of updates on COVID-19 concerning the campus community. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @turambler for more updates.

On Mar. 12, at approximately 11:52 a.m. EST, Transy’s President’s Office released a message to the campus community stating the decisions made after “extensive conversations with campus leadership and review of what other higher education institutions are doing at this time.” The message, addressed to “Transylvania Students, Staff, Faculty and Families” stated the following changes:

    • Spring break is extended through March 20, 2020. Classes will be delivered remotely from March 23 through April 3.
    • Staff and faculty should report for their regular hours the week of March 16-20. This extended break will allow them to finalize plans and receive additional training needed to move learning online for the two-week period. The academic dean’s office will communicate directly with faculty regarding training and support.
    • While the campus administrative and academic offices will remain open and operational, residential students are asked to return to their permanent residences, if at all possible, through April 5. Students may return briefly to campus until March 17 to retrieve any items needed for academic work. Spring sport student-athletes should communicate with their coaches for additional information. Exceptions to this policy may be requested from the Office of Housing and Residence Life for students who cannot easily return home or who will not have access to the internet if they leave campus.
    • International travel is suspended, effective immediately. This includes international sites for all May term trips and Transy-operated study abroad programs this summer in Ireland and Slovakia. Our Office of Global and Intercultural Engagement has been in contact with Transylvania students who are studying abroad, and we are helping them make arrangements to return immediately to the United States.
    • Non-essential domestic business travel is suspended, effective immediately.
    • Most on-campus events through April 5 will be rescheduled, including:
      • The Kenan Lecture with U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo on March 18 will be rescheduled for next academic year. Harjo will visit Transylvania in March 2021.
      • The Judy Gaines Young Award presentation on March 17 will be rescheduled for a later date.
      • The Crimson Compass admissions event scheduled for March 22-23 is canceled.
      • On-campus tours for admissions will be canceled through April 3.
      • Rentals for outside organizations through April 3 are canceled.
    • Per NCAA guidance, athletic events will be limited to athletes, essential personnel and a small number of guests

In a separate email sent out later this afternoon by the President’s Office, the campus community was informed of changes made to the academic calendar for the remainder of the 2020 Winter Term and May Term. This updated schedule is subject to change “based on community/campus health status” as noted in the message and sees students returning to campus for in-person Winter Term classes beginning Monday, April 6 and residence halls opening the day before at 12 p.m. In order to make up the time lost by extending students’ spring break until March 20, May Term classes will be extended by 30 minutes beginning May 4. The updated academic schedule can be found here.

Other colleges in Kentucky have made similar decisions. The University of Kentucky will be extending its spring break as well to screen for possible symptoms in students. Read UK’s updates here.

The University of Louisville announced yesterday that they will be extending their spring break through March 17 and moving classes online starting March 15 through April 5.

Western Kentucky University has extended its spring break and will have classes delivered alternatively from March 23 through April 5. No cases have been confirmed.

Murray State University has decided to move instruction online or via alternative delivery methods starting Monday, March 23 through Sunday, April 5 after its spring break. However, campus residence halls and dining options will remain open. No cases have been reported at Murray according to their most recent update.

Berea College will suspend their classes beginning Friday, March 13 for the rest of the semester. According to their update on March 10, “Regrettably, our Commencement celebration will also be cancelled, or at least postponed to a date when such a gathering can be conducted safely.” They do not have any reported cases on campus as of their most recent update this afternoon.

Bellarmine has decided to provide instruction electronically beginning Wednesday, March 18 until Wednesday, April 1. During which time, residential students will be asked to return home. No cases have been reported on campus.

Eastern Kentucky University issued a statement that said classes will be suspended from March 16 to March 20 to prepare staff and faculty for instruction to be delivered remotely from March 23 through April 3. The residence halls will be temporarily closed.

Northern Kentucky University said in a statement from their president on March 11 that they would be extending spring break to March 21 and moving to “alternative instruction” beginning March 23. The message also stated that residence and dining halls will stay open and that there have been no confirmed cases.

Transy released an additional statement this afternoon regarding the residence halls on campus. Students who need to return to their room to gather belongings and school work in addition to students who wish to return and remain in their student housing through April 5 are being asked to complete the Extended Housing Form by Monday, March 16. Students who need to return to their rooms are asked to do so by Tuesday, March 17. For students wanting to remain in on-campus residence halls, they must meet one of the criteria outlined in the full statement here. Transylvania Athletics Department’s updated statement regarding COVID-19 can be found here.

More information on Transy’s response to COVID-19 can be found here. Lexington’s response to the virus can be found here and the latest on this virus from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can be found here.

This story is a collaboration between Editor-in-Chief Taylor Mahlinger and Managing Editor Abby Stone.

Cooking with Shawna: chicken lettuce wraps


Follow along with the video below to make these delicious chicken lettuce wraps!


Romaine lettuce

Chicken tenderloins

Peanut, almond, or sunflower butter

Seasoning of your choice (I used Montreal chicken seasoning)

Steps not listed in the video

  1. Bake chicken for around half an hour or until done in a baking pan lined with parchment paper.


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