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The After Party: Vacation Edition

The boys had some time off.

Rambler Weekly Playlist October 26th

Need music for your party this weekend? Try this spooky playlists of Halloween classics!

Rambler Weekly Playlist October 19th

Chill out and enjoy some good vibes with this eclectic playlist!

Weekly SGA Update: October 18, 2017

Funding Requests—Nanhao Chen

  • On behalf of the Interfaith Alliance Riley Breshnahan is asking for $200 the amount of funds allocated to new clubs per our constitution.
  • Passed

President’s Report—Joseph Gearon

  • Received 30 responses on our survey where we polled students on what they liked and disliked about Transy
    • 9 people did not like the food
    • Others claim that administration did not listen to students
      • Has to do with advertising, SGA to student body maybe room for improvement
    • University may focus too much on athletics
    • T not aligned with Haupt
  • What can SGA do?
    • Facilitate more discussion between students and administration
    • Help students to know about Faculty-Student Lunches, especially with President Carey
    • Increase transparency with SGA
    • Updates on administrative decisions
    • Make administration care about students

Academic Affairs—Lauren Gilbert

  • GE Subcommittee has been divided into 9 separate committees
  • Dates in FEN basically set
    • Looking into ideas on FEN, FYS, FYRS
  • Working on adjectives and GOALS for future honor code
    • Dr./Dean Bryan wants a copy of this by the end of the semester!
  • Checking into changing “winter term” to “spring term”
  • Interlibrary loans – confusion with how it works, want to explore improving it
  • Faculty Lunches have been scheduled until for rest of the semester
    • This is for everyone! Open to all students!
    • Great opportunity for students to get to know faculty especially if they are not in their major
  • Senator Katie Tucker
    • Proposal to get Senior Seminar classes moved to Fall term (as permitted)
    • Senior Seminar classes write a Thesis paper
      • Graduate Schools request a writing piece from the student
      • Senior thesis for graduate applications would be able to be submitted along with graduate application
    • Procedure: We vote -> Send to CPC, they deal with it

Student Affairs—Mark Sirianno

  • Senator McKenzie Miller will be maintaining Keurig in library
    • Will provide options such as, tea, hot chocolate and coffee
  • Senator Jocelyn Lucero will be looking into the logistics of purchasing a pool table for campus-wide use
  • Working on getting grills in back circle
    • Purchasing one now may not be best idea due to colder weather
  • Addressing intramurals
    • working on getting Intramural cup back – organization who won most titles received cup
  • Addressing the fact that kitchen access for students living in Forrer is nonexistent

Weekly SGA Update: October 11, 2017

New Senator Election

  • Congratulations to Drew Dodds for being elected as the newest member of SGA!

Funding Requests

  • Student Against Hunger and Homelessness
    • Asking for funds to continue pb&j sandwich making operation
    • Granted $142.61
  • SGA Student Affairs
    • Senator Lewis asking for funds to cover the cost of candy used for SGA’s table at Pumpkinmania
    • Granted $58.62

Student Affairs

  • Requests for another Mental Health Counselor
  • Considering voicing the opinion of SGA
  • Figured out the use of “lockout money”
  • Used to be used for Crimson Christmas
  • Now goes to funds for emergency reboring of locks
  •  Working on getting layouts of new buildings on the website
  • Pads have been taken down in elevators

Diversity Liaison

  • There is a new international admissions counselor, her name is Alice Chapel
  • Her position is the assistant director of international recruitment
  • Since the departure of Serenity Wright, international recruitment has not been good
  • Senator Zhang, SGA’s diversity liaison, will be making an effort to get to know the new counselor

TNotes Summary: October 9—15

  • Director of the Library, Susan Brown, has been recognized as the winner of October’s Essential Piece Award. She received this award from the Transylvania Recognition team because of her dedication to the university and to the students that is shown in her daily work.
  • Linda Tirado, author of “Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America,” gave a lecture about the challenges of working with the poor on Tuesday the 11th.
  • “Czech Feminisms: Perspectives on Gender in East Central Europe,” to which professor Simona Fojtová contributed two chapters, has been awarded the Heldt Prize for the Best Book in Slavic/Eastern European/Eurasian Women’s & Gender Studies by the Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS) for 2017. The prize will be announced in the October issue of Women East-West, the AWSS newsletter, and awarded at the AWSS Awards Presentation in Chicago on Nov. 10.
  • A screening of the documentary “Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry” took place on Oct. 11th. The film was presented by John Piotti, president of the American Farmland Trust and was planned and made possible by one of Transylvania’s own graduates, Billy Van Pelt III.
  • After winning a PitchNight grant of $5,000 last May, professors Kurt Gohde and Kremena Todorova last month created an Unlearn Fear + Hate public art installation as part of ArtPrize Nine in Grand Rapids, Mich. The installation included stenciled halos with the words “Unlearn Fear + Hate” in the 25 most popular spoken languages in Grand Rapids and was on view at Lyon Square in downtown Grand Rapids from Sept. 20-Oct. 8. ArtPrize is recognized as the world’s largest annual public art event.
  • The Transylvanian Literary Magazine and the Writing Center hosted the first Open Mic Night of the year last Thursday. Here students could go on stage and share their creative works with their peers.
  • Participate in this month’s Saturday in Service on Oct. 21 where volunteers will be going to The Nest, a family crisis center. There they will pack toiletry items for the crisis kits, organize donations, and much more.
  • The John and Donna Hall softball field was dedicated last Saturday. The newly renovated facility features state-of-the-art dugouts, home and visiting bullpens, batting cages, a sophisticated drainage system, an expanded seating area and a new scoreboard and sound system. It is named in honor of lead donors John and Donna Hall. John Hall is a life trustee at Transy and former chairman and CEO of Ashland Oil Inc.

Rambler Weekly playlist October 12th

Chill out over fall break with this mellow playlist!

Rambler Recipes: Marinated Baby Squash

Photo by Moira C. Hedrick; squash courtesy of Barton Bros. Farm

As we descend into autumn, images of falling leaves, Halloween, and pumpkin spice are on our minds. There is one image in particular that we associate with fall, but no one really thinks about: Squash. This under-appreciated vegetable is far more commonly used in decoration, rather than in cooking. But here is a simple recipe using the adorable, but mostly unappreciated, baby squash.

Baby squash are essentially just smaller varieties of butternut and zucchini plants. While their season is more in the late summer, I have observed farmer’s markets and grocery stores selling baby squash well into the later fall months. Having just two to three can add a vegetable to any meal, or they can be a healthy snack all on their own.

This dish is adapted from a recipe favored by my family, especially in the warmer months of fall as we try to find more excuses to grill before the weather turns cold. We marinate squash and zucchini in a bath of olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper for anywhere from 1 hour to half a day. The garlic and olive oil bring out savory flavors in the squash, and add a certain juicy element, enhanced by the smoky taste from grilling the squash. For those of you who don’t have grills, I’ve adapted the original recipe so that it can be made on the stove. (There may even be a way to cook these delectable yellow and green squashes in the microwave, but I have yet to find it.)

Start by poking holes about a half centimeter into the squash with a fork. Stab each squash with a fork about ten times, less if the squash is particularly small, or more if the squash is exceptionally big. The purpose is to allow the olive oil bath for the squash inside of the squash, where most of your juicy flavor will be.

Photo by Moira C. Hedrick

Next, in a plastic bag, (I recommend gallon size), add the olive oil, minced garlic cloves and generous amounts of salt and pepper. Seal the bag, and let the squash marinate for anywhere from 1 to 6 hours.

When you are ready to cook
the squash, heat a frying pan on a stove top. Once the pan is heated, turn the heat down to a medium setting and put the squash on the pan. The olive oil will cause the squash to sizzle, so beware of flying juices!

Keep the squash on the heat for 10 to 15 minutes, turning them over every so often to make sure the heat is evenly dispersed. The squash should be done when they are tender enough for a fork easily pierces them, but not so overcooked that the squash has become squishy.


Photo by Moira C. Hedrick

This dish of squash and zucchini is best served hot, the inside flesh still steaming when you cut into it. The tangy flavors of salt and garlic will blend well with the juicy richness of the squash. In my experience, pasta dishes and meals with chicken go great with these baby squash in my experience, but you should experiment and find what combinations work best for you.



Marinated Baby Squash and Zucchini Recipe


  • About 5 baby squash and/or zucchini
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 1 clove of minced garlic per squash
  • Salt and pepper to taste (At least a tablespoon of each.)


  1. Stab the squash with the tines of a fork, about a half centimeter deep. Repeat about ten more times, evenly distributing the holes across the surface of the squash.
  2. In a gallon-size freezer bag, mix the squash with the olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Make sure everything is mixed really well, seal the bag, and let marinate for 1 to 6 hours.
  3. Heat a frying pan on the stove top. Once hot, decrease to medium heat.
  4. Place squash on the pan. Turn squash over every so often for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Remove squash from heat and serve warm when ready.

The Roundup: California Fire Edition

Welcome to The Roundup, the weekly political commentary podcast from The Rambler. This week, panelists Michael Maggard, Megan Goins, and Tristan Reynolds discuss the California wildfires, the controversy between Vice President Pence and the NFL players, and the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Update: Since recording, several deaths have been reported in the California wildfires. Read more reporting on the topic here.

‘Molas for DACA’ inspires communal unity, discussion


In a region of Panama called Kuna Yala, eleven Kuna communities are spread among 59 islands. The indigenous group, separate from the government of Panama, has created a cooperative society that blends modern knowledge and traditional values.

Kuna women design, sew, and wear blouses called molas to convey this blending. Hours are spent with a needle stringing together colorful layers of fabric that are trimmed to create a design, often depicting nature, traditional themes from Kuna culture, and various modern influences.

To Kuna women, molas are more than a textile art form. They show creativity, style, and individualism. However, most importantly, they express pride in identity.  

Ahmed Alsaedi (right), a Tates Creek High School senior, Marouane Mohsine (left), a University of Kentucky alum, and Professor Kurt Gohde discussing the impact of DACA while using markers to stencil “Unlearn Fear + Hate” onto their molas. (Photo by Hayle Hall)

Last Wednesday, Transylvania seniors organized an event called Unlearn Fear + Hate: Molas For DACA, held at Third Street Coffee and Stuff. The event branched from the Unlearn Fear + Hate project created by Transy professors Kurt Gohde and Dr. Kremena Todorova, though this event was primarily student organized.

Molas For DACA was a direct response to the events that occurred between senior Paola Garcia and Taylor Ragg, in which Ragg targeted Garcia for deportation because she is a recipient of DACA. Ragg has since left the university.

DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, gave individuals who came to the United States as children a deferred period of 2 years, which protected the individuals from deportation. Recipients of DACA are able to work, study, and live in the United States, though are not granted citizenship.

Garcia was one of the seniors who organized the event in an attempt to raise awareness of DACA and show support for students enrolled in the program. 

“Because of the incident with Taylor and the political climate under Trump’s administration, we did this event. We wanted to do this to show, not only in the Transy community, but in the Lexington community that there is a lot of support for immigrants. We figured this would be a great way to bridge both of them off campus, so it is less hostile,” said Garcia.

Todorova provided guidance for the students during the process of organizing Molas For DACA. For Todorova, the event is not only to foster awareness of DACA but also to discuss the stigma surrounding immigrants.

“The event is to show support for DACA and to encourage people to unlearn the fears and prejudices they might have about immigrants, about people they might see as foreign, and about DACA,” said Todorova. “Really it is an event to bring us together.”

Those who attended Molas For DACA designed molas with paper instead of cloth. The simplified version of the traditional art form allowed for discussion and awareness, according to Annelisa Hermosilla, another senior involved in the creation of Molas For DACA.  

“Art brings people together, it opens a door to talk about things. It is very important to talk to people and raise awareness peacefully. Through art, you are able to do that,” said Hermosilla.

Professor Kurt Gohde also assisted students with creating Molas For DACA and described it as a small outreach event that inspired hefty discussion.

“It’s (Unlearn Fear + Hate) committed to the very firm belief that small acts matter. Those small acts add up and cover a lot more ground. This event aligns with that,” said Gohde.

Professor Brian Rich (left) and Paola Garcia (right) conversing during the set up of Molas For DACA. (Photo by Hayle Hall)

Both Transy students and professors went to Molas For DACA, all with various reasons for attending.

“I just wanted to come and show my support for Paola and for all the students that are struggling to figure out if they are going to be able to stay,” said Dr. Brian Rich, professor of sociology. “This is a huge problem for our country. We have hundreds of thousands of students in this situation.”

“Paola Garcia is actually my roommate and I am supporting her as an individual as well as her entire cause,” said senior Kacy Hines.

The DACA program will be terminated in March, as announced by the Trump administration, and Congress could possibly replace it with another bill. The deadline for new applications and renewals for DACA were processed until October 5. Recipients of DACA are ridden with concern for their future.

“Personally, my DACA expires December of 2018. My concern, there, is that once I do graduate from here I will have a bachelor’s degree from a very prestigious school from a very great community, but I can’t do anything with it. I can’t pursue a career in Psychology. It’s very frustrating,” said Garcia. “The way we describe it, as DREAMers (a term that references recipients of DACA), is that we are in limbo. We are just floating around and can’t make a decision. That is the whole reason for DACA and the DREAM Act. This is our only option to have a future and to contribute to our home. The land we consider home.”

Maria Trevino Rodriguez, a DACA recipient from Houston, described to ABC News the devastation she felt after the announcement that DACA was terminated.

“I broke down when I heard what Jeff Sessions said, even though I expected him to say it,” stated Rodriguez. “It just hit me harder when I heard the words coming out of his mouth … he called me an illegal alien.

For Garcia and other recipients of DACA, deportation is seemingly inevitable if no action is taken to replace the Dream Act.

As Garcia said, “The concern is in urgency because we have 800,000 some DREAMers who gave all their private information, very sensitive information, to the Department of Homeland Security, which is our biggest threat. If nothing is done in Congress, if there is not a bill that protects and enshrines those protections, then we are in a state of emergency.”

Garcia traveled to Washington D.C. last week to advocate for a bill that extends the same benefits of DACA to current and future DREAMers. However prominent advocacy is for DACA, or for a permanent replacement, the creation of legislation remains unknown.


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