Here at Transy, we all love to complain about how much we have to write. “I would, but I have a twenty page paper due Friday” and other such remarks are just part of our culture. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But who actually has the most bragging rights in regards to how much they wrote last semester? The Rambler wants to find out.
Introducing Page Count Playoffs! Here’s how it works: email The Rambler ( all of the required writing assignments you had last semester, and the “lucky” winner will get a mystery prize, as well as campus-wide recognition, and indisputable bragging rights.
The rules are that only the lower bound of the writing assignment will count toward your total, and all submitted assignments must have been mandatory (sorry, no extra credit!) The winner’s submissions will be verified with their professors.
When submitting your entry, for each paper, you should include:
Your professor’s name

The name of the class
The page or word requirement
If the paper was single- or double-spaced
And that’s it! All papers will be converted fairly into double-spaced page counts, and then compared to everyone else. The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 12, so be sure you get them in before then! Tell your friends to submit as well! The winner will be announced the following Monday, May 15.