Treasurer’s Report—NanHao Chen
- Current budget for the year is $9501
- $7388 for operations.
- For use on things outside of the realm of SGA, for those who come to SGA seeking funds.
- Conferences, academic trips, academic activities.
- Ideally: use only an allotted amount of money per meeting.
- Funding requests
- From NanHao Chen—Conference in Boston, MA—$578
- Important conversation about constitutional interpretation
- SGA has a clause in the constitution that states: SGA cannot fund travel or lodging unless it is for a service trip at which point up to 75.00 can be allotted per person
- Funding request did not pass
- From Cassidy Wheeler—Ohio Valley Shakespeare—$244
- Can only fund registration, of which she is asking $75
- Approved.
- From NanHao Chen—Conference in Boston, MA—$578
Student Affairs Committee—Mark Siriano
- Toilet paper is now provided in all new dorms on the first floor of each building
- Multiple doors around campus have been fixed
- Recycling bins are now in all residence halls
- You are now welcome to bring your own cup to fill up with coffee in Jazzmans
Academic Affairs Committee—Lauren Gilbert
- Looking for feedback particularly from first-years about the first engagement experience
- Looking at GE review
- Working on getting federal election dates off
- Working on moving special topics courses to be counted as Area V