Campus Made Clear: Study Abroad

Photo by Gabrielle Crooks

This article is part of our Campus Made Clear series. You can read the whole series here.

As the Dalai Lama once said, “Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” At Transy, most of the travel arrangement can be made through the University’s Study Abroad Office.

According to Kathy Simon, the Director of the Office, the purpose of studying aborad is to “get students outside of the Transy bubble. The goal is for the students to gain experience, knowledge, and global competence.”

Students can study abroad in summer, fall, winter term, or even over winter break. In the past students have traveled to Spain, Greece, Austria, Ireland,Tanzania and many other countries.

The first step is to contact the Study Abroad Office and let them know that you have an interest in studying abroad. Next, connect with a professor within your major or your academic advisor to have a one-on-one meeting, to make sure a course is picked that goes towards a degree.

The third step is going over program costs and financing, and discovering what is the most affordable option for the student to study abroad. The Study Abroad Office offers a number of programs whose expenses can be paid by students’ Transy financial aid.

Last, students fill out an application for the desired program, and continue to work through the Office for help before the program begins.

Simon said, “We want to encourage, promote, publicize, and help students have an academic experience outside of the US.” As students prepare for their professional careers, their future employers will be looking for the skills students develop from studying abroad.

If you’re planning on studying abroad, you might want to consider looking for advice from other people who have also made the decision to leave the US and study elsewhere. Some people are releasing books, like these people here for example, to help students who might be hesitant about living and studying in a different country. Resources like that could be beneficial to look over before your move.

The Study Abroad Office is located at Old Morrison office 100B. They are open weekdays from 8:30-5:00. You can email Kathy Simon at, or contact her through through Twitter, Facebook, or TNotes.