Welcome to the week before finals, when everything is shambly and nothing is for certain. We’re hanging on with less than an inch of our sanity. The playlist I have put together for the week reflects our will/drive to power through and stay on the Transy grind. Hopefully it’ll get you pumped up for finals week and ready to finesse all the papers, exams, and projects.
Since this is the Music and Arts Edition, the list of events this week is pretty lengthy but they’re all worth attending!

Don’t forget to come see the TU Choirs and Orchestra concert Friday April 6th at 7:30 PM in Haggin Auditorium presenting Mozart’s Coronation Mass! This concert will feature Transy alumni from choir and professional vocalists as well as instrumentalists alongside current Transy music students. This is one concert you won’t wanna miss! Be there or be square.
Monday April 9th will be the opening of the newest exhibit in Mitchell Fine Arts’ Morlan Gallery, Agnosiophobia: The Fear of Not Knowing which is a Senior Thesis Exhibition by Jessica Chandler, Claire Gardner, Annelisa Hermosilla, Samantha Klintworth and Poppy Liu. Come out and support Transy’s talented art students and appreciate their hard work!
In honor of GSR season, we have another one on April 10th at 12:30 PM in Mitchell Fine Arts’ Carrick Theater. Come support your fellow music students! (PS— I’ll be performing in this GSR so feel free to stop by and say hi).

Another fun music event on campus in the coming week is TU’s Jazz ensembles concert in the Old Morrison Chapel at 7:30 PM! Who doesn’t love some jazz? Be sure to come hear some smooth tunes and as I always say, support your fellow music students! If you don’t know where the chapel is, go up the daunting set of never-ending stairs that sit in front of Old Morrison, walk through the double doors, and you will see the chapel straight ahead. If the doors happen to be locked, try another side door and just go up one of the staircases until you reach the top floor. Walk around until you find the chapel.
An opportunity to expand your musical horizons comes next Wednesday April 11th at 7:30 PM in Mitchell Fine Arts’ Carrick Theater! There will be an event called World Voices Event: George Wakim, Evening of Arabic Music. I couldn’t find much information about this event which makes it that much more intriguing. If you’re looking for something interesting and fun to do, be sure to check out this free event next week.
The last GSR will be next Thursday April 12th at 12:30 PM in Mitchell Fine Arts’ Carrick Theater. If you still haven’t been to one and want to see what it’s all about or (more honestly) need some concert credit, this is your last opportunity!
The final music event of the week is an exciting one next Thursday April 12th at 7:30 PM in Mitchell Fine Arts’ Carrick Theater, with TU’s Opera and Musical Theater Workshop students presenting a show of everything they’ve been working on this semester! It will include some fun costumes and lots of talent so be sure to check it out!
All of these music events are free and open to TU students and the public.