This week I’ve been looking everywhere for even an ounce of motivation to me get through the heavy load of exams and papers, and this playlist has helped inspire me. It’s all about 60s vibes with artists like Nina Simone, Van Morrison, and Glenn Campbell. My original inspiration when putting this playlist together came from the soundtrack 2015 remake of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. soundtrack. Great movie, even better soundtrack. Give this playlist a listen if you wanna mellow out and step back in time.
Now for our Art Event of the Week: Next Tuesday, (February 6th to be exact for those of you without a planner) is a special event on campus that you should all go see. Didge Evolution is an interactive workshop in Mitchell Fine Arts Center’s Coleman Hall at 12:30.
To quote the Transy events’ site, “Learn to play the didgeridoo! Didge Evolution invites you to immerse yourself in the exotic sounds of the didgeridoo, Aboriginal mythology, culture and the Dreamtime. The didgeridoo is a wind instrument used by the world’s oldest continuous culture, the Aboriginal people, who have occupied Australia for at least 40,000 years. Within the lexicon of their mythological Dreamtime is the oldest religion on earth, The Rainbow Serpent Mythology.”

If you can’t make it to the workshop but still wanna see this unique Australian instrument in action, attend the concert that Tuesday night, February 6th at
7:30 in MFA’s Carrick Theater!