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The Inside Scoop On SAB’s On-Campus Trick-Or-Treat Event


On Tuesday, October 24th, the Student Activities Board organized a night of trick-or-treating in Back Circle along with a costume contest hosted by TUnity. The second event celebrating Raf Week was a smash hit with a total of nineteen organizations handing out candy. 

When asked about the candy they selected for their table, Tri Delta President Paige Catron said, “I’m a member of SAB and I set this up, so I looked for the candy that I liked and picked the bag.”

TUnity’s secretary, Mary Grace Welch, explained that their treats were actually part of their table decor, “We have a bunch of multicolored candy, and we think that can accurately represent us. Maybe that’s too on the nose, but we do have a lot of Skittles at our booth.” Visitors to the table could taste AND see the rainbow.

The English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta, was rumored to have the best candy. Alaysa Godfrey gave away their secret, saying, “To be honest, we just got lucky. The table already had this candy and we just saw it and were like ‘This is gonna be the best candy so we’re gonna steal this table.’” Katy Walsh elaborated, “And when you read a lot of books, it makes everything around you better, automatically, so…” 

Associate Dean of Students and Director of Student Wellbeing, Ashley Hill, and her son Leo at The Rambler’s table. Leo Hill went as “Space” but for Halloween, Leo will be trick-or-treating as an axolotl, and it seems Ashley Hill will be too.

SAB’s Maria Hayes and Paige Catron both said their favorite costume of the evening was Maddie Goins as the American Girl Doll Kit Kittredge. Before voting commenced, Goins said, “I feel like I’m kind of a shoo-in to win the costume contest already…that’s why I did dress up because I did want to win.” Goins ended up winning the “Most Creative” award! Additional costume contest winners were announced on the TUnity Instagram (@transytunity)

A core issue of the night was finding out if Transy students were bucket or pillowcase trick-or-treaters as kids. Sunni Krohn and Allie Conover were both bucket kids, but Fallon Cross responded, “I was definitely a pillowcase kind of kid.” On the reasoning behind this, Cross stated “You know I think I just liked getting more candy.” 

The Rambler’s own Grace Zimlich chimed in, adding another tally to the pillowcase carriers. When asked about parental rules on candy consumption, Zimlich shared, “My mom had a rule where we could only have five pieces of candy a day but it was up to us when we had them.” Nate Brother, a firm bucket trick-or-treater, had fewer limitations, recalling “It was a free-for-all.” 

Sunni Krohn as “just a devil” (left) Allie Conover as Gabriel from The Mandela Catalogue (middle) Fallon Cross as the Queen of Hearts (right)

The event was an excellent opportunity to learn about upcoming happenings on and off campus. Ellie Thornsbury mentioned the cross country team has their conference championship meet on Saturday, the 28th. Go Pios! Additionally, the Conservation Action Committee has its first hike coming up on Saturday, November 4th. CAC President Megan Studer said, “We’ll be going to Red River Gorge and it will be tons of fun!”

A fun bonus was hearing from Dr. Elizabeth Davis, our new visiting Assistant Professor of History. Dr. Davis recounted her spookiest occurrence on campus, “I’m going to go with the ghost who keeps changing the temperature in my office because I’ll go in and the temperature will be set to something and suddenly it starts getting colder and colder and colder to the point where I’m wanting to curl up in a blanket. So I’m not sure if it’s a sign that I spend too much time in my office or a sign that I’ve been welcomed onto Transy’s campus.” Definitely a Transy welcome!

‘Tales from the Tempest’; Transylvania Hosts Roundtable with Local Author


On October 19th, Transylvania hosted ‘Tales from the Tempest’ a roundtable discussion that focused on three literary works: The Tempest, the 1611 play by William Shakespeare, Wrecked, a 2022 novel by Heather Henson that is a modern retelling of The Tempest set in the knobs of Central Kentucky, and A Tempest, a 1969 play by Aimé Césaire that adapted Shakespeare’s play from a postcolonial perspective. The roundtable, which was moderated by French Professor Simonetta Cochis and featured Wrecked author Heather Henson, Theatre Program Director Tosha Fowler, and Junior Student Mary Clark, who is portraying Caliban in Transy Theatre’s upcoming production of The Tempest, examined how all three interpreted and were able to connect with the characters of these works. 

Heather Henson spoke on how she had been drawn to Shakespeare almost as long as she could remember. She grew up in the Pioneer Playhouse, an outdoor theater in Danville, Kentucky that was built by Henson’s father, Col. Eben C. Henson, in 1950, and plays like The Tempest were a constant part of the “magical world of theatre” that he created. Henson always wanted to work with Shakespeare at the Playhouse, but never could due to lack of general interest, so she began to look for ways to incorporate those stories into her writing.

It took many years for Henson to find a framework for a retelling of The Tempest that specifically focused on the relationship between Prospero and Miranda, with concepts like a post-apocalyptic setting being continually shot down by editors. Henson revealed that she first had the idea for what would become Wrecked after watching an episode of True Detective and realizing that she could incorporate her home state by using the meth crisis in Kentucky as a framework for a modern retelling of The Tempest. She recalled her pitch to her editor, saying, “I had two words for her, and they were ‘Meth. Tempest.’ And she was like ‘Yes!’” Henson expressed hope that her work could act as a gateway for young readers into the world of Shakespeare which was so important to her growing up.

Mary Clark acknowledged the traditional monstrous characterization, both in Shakespeare and later retellings, of the character of Caliban, who she is portraying in the Transy Theatre production of The Tempest. Challenging this traditional characterization is part of Transy Theatre’s ongoing goals of presenting stories relevant to modern audiences. Tosha Fowler would add that “Any time we approach an old text, we ask if we can make it meaningful…Time is the most precious thing we have.”

Recognizing that other modern interpretations of Caliban’s character, such as the postcolonial interpretation seen in Césaire’s A Tempest, wouldn’t necessarily work for the cast of the Transy Theatre Production, Clark began to build her own portrayal of Caliban by recognizing how she could relate with the character through personal experiences. Clark said, “I have been centering my interpretation of Caliban on his relationship with Miranda and how I see Miranda.” Fowler described how this process of re-interpretation was repeated with many other characters from the play, saying, “A play is not like a novel; you have to figure out what the truth is.” Fowler and Clark also talked about the ongoing design process for the set and costumes of The Tempest and expressed excitement at the work that is being done by all students and faculty in preparation for the show.

Tickets for The Tempest are available starting November 1st at 9:00 A.M., and the show will be performed in the Lucille C. Little Theater from November 15-19.

Transylvania Students of ‘Sphynx’ Bring the House Down; Introduce New Project

The local band composed of Transylvania students, Sphynx, has done it once again, rocking the night away on Friday, October 6th at Girlsgirlsgirls Burritos. Performing alongside two other local rock bands, Violent Dawn and Topsoil, Sphynx ended the lively night with a thrilling rock discography. Composed of vocalist Zach Drury, lead guitarist Jacob Ranzau, bassist Jacob Young, guitarist Bruno Sieber, and drummer Noah Hamblin – all class of 2024 – Sphynx is a hard rock band with loads of talent, and several new projects underway, some of which were introduced that night. 

As a part of their setlist, Sphynx introduced their new single, ‘Phantoms,’ playing it for the first time. The single will be released on Halloween, on both Spotify and Apple Music. Jacob Ranzau expressed excitement about the new single, commenting “It sounds bigger than our usual stuff.” 

I further asked Jacob Ranzau how he felt about the new territory Sphynx is taking on. The band played a show last weekend in Bowling Green, and they have shows coming up out of state. Read on for an interview with Ranzau on the band’s trajectory:

Guitarist Bruno Sieber zoned in on the music

Caroline: Recently you all have been playing more shows outside of Lexington– how does it feel to be expanding the areas you play?

Jacob Ranzau: It feels pretty great to have the opportunity to play outside of Lexington and spread our music around. Not very many bands get the chance to do something like that, so it’s very exciting. 

Caroline: Which shows are coming up, and what are you most excited about?

Jacob Ranzau: Our next two shows are in Lexington, and we’re most excited for the Halloween show on October 29th at Girlsgirlsgirls Burritos. We’ve got some more out-of-town concerts planned after Christmas, so hopefully we’ll be able to keep the momentum going. 

Sphynx ended the night with their song ‘Atom Bomb,’ off of their recent 2023 album Whispers. While this hasn’t been their closing song their entire time as a band, it has recently been their favorite song to close with. They enjoyed the crowd’s energy as they asked them to sit on the floor, preparing for a mosh pit when the song began. Between the bruises I gained from the mosh pit and the blood on the drums from when Noah Hamblin played with so much fervor, it was a terrific night for the band. 

You can listen to Sphynx on Spotify and Apple Music, and find them on Instagram @sphynxstagram_official.

Artist Talk with Geraldine Ondrizek: “Art, Disbelief and Genetics”

Transylvania’s Morlan Gallery recently featured an exhibition titled “Dis/Belief,” from September 12th through October 6th. The main theme of this display was “Skeptical realities and the power of interrogating assumptions.” Artist Geraldine Ondrizek chose to look closely into how science and skepticism collide within her art. The pieces in Morlan Gallery featured photographs on vellum where she displayed anthropologist Georg Geipel’s measurements for hand and fingerprints. 

During an artist talk on October 12th, Ondrizek highlighted that “Geipel’s measurements were able to identify inherited hand line similarities in identical twins based on embryology.” Within her talk, Ondrizek discussed her personal connection to the study of genetics, which is often integrated into her art, due to her mother and daughter dying of the same genetic anomaly. She brings a maternal light to her work and uses art as a means to ease into the intensity of her topics. 

Ondrizek also discussed how she has been politically active within her work, addressing topics such as the Patriot Act. Ondrizek also uses her creations to explore eugenics, a topic she described herself as always having an interest in due to her family being German and growing up with a Holocaust survivor. Ondrizek’s artwork was later featured in Eugenic Nation, a book by Alexandra Stern. Her piece “Chromosome 17” is shown on the cover of the book; it depicts chromosomes and DNA hand-embroidered on cloth panels. 

She also discussed how her marriage to her Palestinian husband continues to influence her artistic and personal life. She worked with refugees and embroidered the names of one hundred sixty-nine Arabic refugees to raise money for refugee children. One of Ondrizek’s main goals with her work is to avoid putting people in boxes, and for people to further understand the ethics of how we treat people. 

Ondrizek has worked with many scientists and case studies to produce her work; she says her motivation is to show people how genetics work. Scientists needed good graphic communication for their studies and Ondrizek has provided beautiful pieces of artwork to support science.

Scarefest Kills Its 15th Year in the Commonwealth


Scarefest has made its haunting return to Lexington for the 15th year in a row. The weekend-long event is a convention that draws in every type of fan of the horror genre. It takes place in the Central Bank Center with the entire space filled with spooky vendors, local businesses, and celebrities who have become icons in the horror genre. 

This year’s headlining celebrities included David Arquette, who played the role of Dewey in the Scream franchise, Dylan McDermott, who starred in American Horror Story: Murder House, and even large parts of the casts from movies such as Friday the 13th and Jaws. Fans of these celebrities waited in incredibly long lines to receive autographs and even photo ops. 

While the stars bring in a huge crowd, most people spend the majority of their time (and money) browsing and shopping from the dozens of vendors at the event. Vendor James Powell, who is a Scarefest veteran taking part in the convention for all 15 years, provided insight into the world of convention sales. 

This year, James had four booths that all sold the same items, Funko Pops. Funko Pops are collectible figures that are made as cartoonish resemblances to whoever, or whatever, they are based on. If you are a fan of anyone or anything in the pop culture world, chances are there is a pop figure made of it, and vendor James Powell will have it. 

James showed off his top shelf figures, one of these figures being an incredibly rare one, the fabled Ghostface from Scream. It is one of the only figures based on the iconic 1990s slasher, making it extremely rare and much sought after. The miniature effigy held a ghoulish $400 price tag. It is interesting to see how members of a niche community, such as one that collects these rare figurines, are willing to pay such high prices to obtain their favorite piece of horror memorabilia at conventions such as Scarefest.

For Whom The Garden Toils


The Conservation Action Committee (CAC) has recently restarted the garden off Bourbon Avenue. The garden project began during the winter term of last school year, with students spending the day in the Shearer Art Building preparing soil for the seeds to be nurtured in and grown during the semester and summer months.

The CAC was created after a previous conservation committee disbanded. Thus, the Conservation Action Committee was created to be more active on campus, with this garden being a new goal for its members. The committee also hosted a Tree Week event last week and plans to go on many nature hikes throughout the school year. CAC is spearheaded by President Megan Studer, Vice President Morgan Hardigree, Treasurer Max Hankins, and Garden Keeper Sophia Del Val.

The goal for the garden, according to Del Val, is “to create a garden that grows thriving plants and allows for students to enjoy a place in nature.” Currently, the ground is being prepared for planting to be done in the winter semester, with members of the CAC participating in the process of tending the garden and trying to bring beauty and nature back to campus.

 The plan for the harvest is for the crops to be sold in local farmers’ markets, with profits going towards CAC’s budget for the garden and other projects. CAC is also planning on working with other student organizations to make use of the products and distribute them to the campus community.

If any reader is interested in helping CAC with the garden or other projects toward making the campus more environmentally friendly, you can contact Sophia Del Val ( for more information.

Photo credit: Caroline Host (

My Blade is Fury Premieres at Twelve Lions Film Festival; Interview with Director Jacob Forman.

On October 1st, My Blade is Fury premiered at the Kentucky Theatre as part of the Regional Showcase of the Twelve Lions Film Festival. The short film, which portrays Terry McDaniel (Avery Logsdon) returning to his childhood home with a broadsword strapped to his back, was directed by Transylvania Senior Jacob Forman. I had the opportunity to sit down with Forman after the premiere to discuss the filmmaking process and the response to the film.

Filmmaking had been a part of Jacob Forman’s life many years before he ever officially released a film. “I’ve been making my own short films since I was little. I would film on VHS camcorders and I would have my Dad edit them on Windows Movie Maker,” said Forman. “I’ve been making films since I was a little kid and I would pick it back up intermittently, but I never really considered it as something I wanted to do with my life until maybe high school.” Before My Blade is Fury, Forman worked on music videos 

with artists such as Bonnie “Prince” Billy, Joan Shelley, and Jackie Lynn. But in terms of films, Forman explained that nothing previously came close to the scale of My Blade is Fury. “Everything I have ever done before [Blade] has been self-funded with the budget of a bag of chips and completely for fun.” 

Forman described the moment that Avery Logsdon, who wrote and would eventually star in My Blade is Fury, first pitched the script for the film to him. “I had come to know Avery, but I wasn’t expecting a pitch for a film,” said Forman. “I knew he was someone who wrote a lot of scripts, and everyone would say ‘You should read Avery’s scripts, they’re great,’ but I had never gotten around to it. And I read [Blade], and though he said he tailored it to my sensibilities, I thought it was hilarious and I loved it.” Forman continued to praise Logsdon’s script as the strongest part of the film and gave it credit for the film’s success. Forman submitted the film to the Twelve Lions Film Festival on the advice of one of the cast members of the film, and Forman was very complimentary of the guidance of both people involved in the festival and those in the local filmmaking community through the submission process. 

Speaking on the response to My Blade is Fury that he had seen in the days after the premiere, Forman explained that he had seen, “nothing but very nice things, which I’m happy with. But to a certain extent, I do wish I got more people who I didn’t know telling me they didn’t like it.” Forman expressed gratitude towards his friends and other members of the Transylvania community who had attended the premiere and congratulated him on the film and its success, but expressed anxiety that he was in an echo chamber, especially considering the small Transylvania community. “I almost wonder what would it be like if I had the ability to show it to everybody, and I could get comments like ‘I hated that,’ because that helps keep you in check…So if you read this interview and you want to check out my work and tell me that you hate it or love it, any feedback is great at this point.” Forman hopes that the eventual digital release of My Blade is Fury will help provide some more varied feedback. 

Some of Jacob Forman’s previous work can be found both on his YouTube channel and his Vimeo channel.

Sweet Relief: Medical Fraternity Supports Children’s Miracle Network with Pie


On the night of October 6th, students may have noticed a frenzy of pies flying around Back Circle. Professors and faculty seemed to have found themselves on the wrong side of a plate of whipped cream. What could have easily been mistaken as a cruel plot of sweet revenge was actually changing the lives of thousands of Kentucky children.

Ryan & Corinne were great sports after I paid to pie them!

That Friday evening, Transylvania’s chapter of the Phi Delta Epsilon Medical Fraternity hosted “Phi De Pie,” an event where community members could pay 5 dollars to pie a professor or faculty member of their choice– Dr. Bob, Dr. Jenkins, Corinne O’Bryan and more were all potential targets for a tart à la carte.

I sat down with senior student Lauren McGarvey, who helped lead the event. She shared that this was a continuation of what used to be the annual “pie-a-professor” event, however, Phi De hasn’t been able to host any large in-person event like this since the Covid-19 pandemic. They were thrilled by how many students stopped by to participate.

Dr. Bob, many pies later…

Of course, it wasn’t all about fun and games– for each pie thrown, the proceeds would go directly towards Kentucky Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Though part of a national organization, the money raised by Phi De would directly benefit children in our home state. It gave all the members of our medical fraternity great joy to be “serving people in our state,” says McGarvey.

A favorite target of the night seemed to be Dr. Bob, a professor of chemistry at Transy since 2007. Though not directly affiliated with Phi De, he considers himself a sort of “informal advisor,” as he teaches nearly all of its members. He was glad to see so many of his students out in Back Circle supporting a great cause. On the pie’s taste, he noted that “it’s good, sweet, and goes right up your nose.”

‘Miss Fine Arts’: Whatever Happened to MFA’s Furry Friend?


In winter 2021, Transy’s student body was united in its love for a small, furry creature: A black cat with a tipped ear and big green eyes appeared during early November in Alumni Plaza, but she was quite timid. Over a few weeks, students began to earn her trust as she spent more time around campus. She frequently spent time around Mitchell Fine Arts near the Rafskeller stairs and the covered walkway leading to the parking lot. Thus, she was christened Mister Fine Arts, soon to become Miss Fine Arts when students realized she was a female cat. By the time the first week of December came to an end, Miss Fine Arts had her own Instagram account to document photos of her escapades around Transy’s campus. Students were encouraged to take photos of her when they saw her and to send them in for the account to post. 

Posts were made from her account supporting the relief effort for the storms in Western Kentucky, as well as making jokes about her tipped ear, students being gone for winter break, and a red hose left in Alumni Plaza for a few days. Her account was quite popular with students. With over 500 followers, Transy students paid close attention to her presence and well-being during the winter months. Miss Fine Arts was brought food and students even built a shelter to keep her safe from inclement weather. 

When students left for winter break, her account posted collected photos for the holidays and encouraged students to get COVID-19 vaccine boosters. However, as students began to return to campus, the black feline was missing in action. Students voiced their concerns, and on January 20th, 2022, a post was made to ease their minds. The post was captioned with an explanation, telling students that she was okay and had been taken in over the winter. She had also been taken to the vet, where she was diagnosed with a few health problems that she was being treated for. Only one more post would be made to her Instagram before it went quiet. The account has received no posts since, and Miss Fine Arts slowly faded from most student’s minds.

Though she has not been seen, this does not mean she is not still loved by the Transy community, and it is my great joy to tell you that Miss Fine Arts is alive and well. She now lives in Gratz Park on the Market Street side. On nice days, you may find her laying on her front porch or even having a little cat nap. If you do see her, she may not let you touch her at first, but if you can get her to approach you, she might let you pet her back. Some of her fur has gone more brown and some strands have even turned white, but her unmistakable green eyes make her easy to identify. 

Just like during her time at Transy, once she begins to recognize you, you won’t be able to walk by without pausing to give her a few pets. I would advise against scratching the sides of her shoulders or the top of her head, as she is not fond of those spots. Nevertheless, she is still the lovable black cat we all grew to love a few short years ago.

The Man on the Corner: A Poet Who Writes for Free

Picture this: you’re walking through downtown Lexington on a lovely fall afternoon. As you stroll down Main Street, you spot a man seated behind a small folding table with a typewriter. As you approach, you read the sign taped to his table. “Poems 4 Free” is written in black ink on a piece of posterboard. 

Curtis Kaiser, 31, is a mechanical engineer in Lexington. A month and a half ago, he decided to take his 1961 typewriter out into the world to write for people. Why he does this, he isn’t quite sure himself, but he went for it. He began writing poetry because he found it to be simple, yet expressive. Despite only coming out to write in Lexington 5 times, he attracts people with ease. 

Passersby flock to his table, waiting for the small pieces of writing from Kaiser, who feels no pressure in his creations. “Nobody is like, poems, I hate poems,” he comments. He will write about any topic you want, from going out to platonic love and your pets. Kaiser writes mainly in groups of rhymed couplets, a set of two lines that may or may not rhyme, putting together 4 lines before reading his work out loud and adding more if asked. He is still learning about poetry but has written a single haiku as a challenge. In fact, the whole act of taking his typewriter out and writing for people is an exercise in his writing ability. “I chose to come out and write for people because it’s a challenge and a way to be creative,” states Kaiser.

His poems are entirely in his own voice and writing style. When asked if there are any poets who inspire him, he responded that he doesn’t read poetry. If another piece of literature that he is reading features poems, he will read those, but he doesn’t seek out other poets’ work. He does this to maintain his voice in his work, rather than write something that emulates another writer. 

His work was always intended to be free, never for purchase. He will refuse payment for his work unless you are quite insistent on tipping him. “I accept tips after I’ve refused three times, sort of like a reverse genie,” he laughed. 

You’ll find Curtis Kaiser on the corner of Main and Upper Streets twice a month, just listen for the clack and ding of a typewriter. Read more about him here through WEKU’s Arts and Culture News.


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