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OPINION: Left Populism Might Be Our Only Path Forward


The dust has finally settled on the outcome of the past few weeks. President-elect Donald Trump won both the popular vote and the electoral college vote–by larger margins than many Democrats had hoped. Hundreds of journalists, reporters, and X users type away at their keyboards right now, coming up with explanations for why the Harris campaign failed or why the Trump campaign succeeded. Some will scapegoat minority voters. Others will point out the rightward swing in exit polling as an indicator of increasing fascism in America–though many will fail to prescribe methods to counter the rise of fascism. Others still will contrive stories about voting patterns of this voting margin or that polling demographic. Ultimately, it is too early to say with any certainty whether or not these judgments are true, even if I–and many others–have strong suspicions regarding the failure of the Harris campaign. 

Instead, I hope to report some successes in this election and to wishcast some favorable indicators of areas where the American public has voted in favor of policies largely in line with left populism. The electorate affirmed these policies that impact their material conditions, such as public education, healthcare, and protections for workers; areas which should be of key interest to those looking for either hope or a path forward in this new Trump presidency.

Public education is the first among these issues to feature a decisive turn towards public institutions. Here in the Bluegrass, Amendment 2 failed, preventing our commonwealth from sending treasury funds to private K-12 schools. In spite of fears about the public’s understanding of the amendment’s meaning, a nationwide push to privatize education, and support of the amendment coming from Republican party members in a strongly Republican state, Kentuckians still voted in favor of public education. Every county in Kentucky voted against the proposed amendment, and, save for a handful of counties around our state, votes swung heavily against the proposal. Kentuckians’ support for public education was won by a landslide. 

Image via: NYT,

In Nebraska, voters repealed LB1402, a bill providing $10 million to transfer students from private to public schools. The referendum succeeded, with 57.1% of voters rejecting the use of Nebraska’s treasury to fund private education. To the west, in Colorado, voters rejected by a slimmer margin an amendment that would have codified school choice into the constitution of Colorado, only rejecting the amendment with 51.4% of votes.

All three states, two red and one blue, voted for public education. Clearly, something about public education resonates with voters, particularly those in rural areas, as election maps in Nebraska and Colorado show a wider margin of votes against education choice. 

If not education, then the material woes of voters appear in the voting of another Midwest election. Missouri voted by a margin of 8% to raise the minimum wage in the state to $15 an hour, to adjust the minimum wage according to the Consumer Price Index starting in 2027, and to require employers statewide to provide paid sick leave hours. This, unequivocally, is a massive win for working people in Missouri, a state that voted for Republican candidates Donald Trump and Josh Hawley. Nebraska, a state that receives even less press compared to Missouri, passed Measure 436, requiring employers to provide paid sick leave for their employees. Further, the measure specified that employers cannot retaliate against workers who use their paid sick leave. This protection for workers’ rights passed by 74.3% in yet another Republican-dominated state, showing that a broadly left populist policy works. 

Image via: NYT,

In a number of other states, another key issue was on the ballot. Re-litigating the issue of abortion is far too wide and too complex an issue to tackle in a paragraph, so to suffice for this piece, lack of access to abortions means medical bills, childcare, and a whole host of other costs. In a country where most working women cannot make rent or pay for their healthcare, restricting (and banning) abortion becomes, in part, a material issue for working families. 

Luckily, the right to an abortion succeeded in Montana, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Missouri, Maryland, and New York. In spite of electing Donald Trump in Nevada, Missouri, Montana, and likely in Arizona, abortion rights were upheld by voters in the states. In Florida, a majority of voters affirmed the right to abortion. Still, the amendment failed due to an obstructionist law passed by Florida in 2006 requiring amendments to garner 60% of the vote rather than the simple majority in most states. 

In Nebraska, although a 12-week ban was passed, women still retain the right to abortion in the first trimester. Of course, experts in states like Louisiana, where a similar abortion protocol succeeded, argue that this restriction complicates healthcare for both the women and the fetus, with many OB-GYNs refusing to provide prenatal care until after the period when a woman could receive an abortion. The only state to ban abortion by a considerable margin was South Dakota, voting to entirely ban abortion, except in cases regarding the survival of the mother, by 60%

Again, like public education in Kentucky, minimum wage in Missouri, and paid sick leave in Nebraska, there are indicators of progressive policy’s popularity and success with most Americans. Even hardened anti-populist liberals like David Brooks, who in 2020 published a scathing opinion column on the Sanders campaign, have softened to the idea that the electorate responds to left populist policies–though he attributes this change to the ‘diploma divide’ instead of class politics.

The mixed results of this election’s down-ballot state amendments, propositions, and measures fall in line with the polling of Americans on the issue of abortion. Pew Research shows the support of abortion in 2024 at 63%–a percentage that has shown an upward trajectory since 2009. In most other areas, some polling suggests very high support for progressive policies regarding the expansion and rights of healthcare, support for higher minimum wages, and more government support for education. This election’s down-ballot successes, though only a small sample of all the issues at hand, demonstrate the hope that progressive policies, championed by Democratic governors in red states, win over normal people. Moreover, it gives the impression that working people across the country yearn for policies that help them pay for groceries, cover their medical bills, send their children to school, and keep them housed. 

Classes on Election Day? The Rambler Interviews Students and Staff

Did you know Transylvania University had regular classes on Election Day? Prior to the election, Rambler reporter Sophia Del Val interviewed students and staff about their opinions and knowledge on the topic. Watch our video below to see their thoughts, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for similar content!

ABA President Bill Bay Shares Insights on Life as a Lawyer


Last week, Transylvania University had the privilege of hosting William Bay, the president of the American Bar Association, for the third annual Pre-Law Society Distinguished Lecture. Mr. Bay, who prefers to go by Bill, shared his perspectives on the legal profession and the qualities that define a successful lawyer.

Before our interview, Bill enjoyed his favorite dessert from our campus cafeteria: ice cream. If only we had dark and white chocolate chips as topping options, we would have earned “number one university in the country” according to Bill. Unfortunately, we’ll have to work on that next time.

During our conversation, Bill emphasized that the path to leadership positions is rarely a straight line. “Sometimes in life, you’re kind of just in the right place at the right time,” he explained. “I never aspired to become ABA president. I think people sometimes dream too much about the great things they want to do when they have to be faithful to whatever is in front of them.”

“We make justice real. That’s what lawyers do,” Bill said with conviction. Bill, who works in business litigation as a partner at the Thompson Coburn law firm in St. Louis, pointed out that one of the biggest challenges facing lawyers today is the need to adapt to constant change. “You have to stay on your toes,” he said. Beyond this, Bill believes the best lawyers possess a genuine curiosity, diligent preparation skills, and an understanding that “the law is a relationship business.”

“You have to care about people,” Bill stressed. “It’s about being social— understanding people’s stories and listening to their issues. You have to treat people fairly and extend grace to others.”

When I asked Bill about the social demands of his profession, he acknowledged that maintaining wellness is a constant battle. “Wellness is the big thing. It’s the number one thing that the ABA gets responses on in social media. Part of that is about grace—showing it to others and giving yourself grace. It’s not easy being a lawyer.”

Bill’s diverse musical tastes, which range from top 40 hits to Broadway tunes, reflect his well-rounded approach to life. In an article published in 2002, Bill discussed how certain songs had a profound influence on his journey to becoming a lawyer.

Finally, when I asked Bill who he would want to be stuck in an elevator with, his answer spoke volumes about his values. “Bryan Stevenson,” he replied without hesitation. Stevenson’s work has been significant in confronting the legacy of lynching in the American South, as well as advocating for reform of harsh sentencing laws and the abolition of the death penalty. Bill wouldn’t want to be stuck in an elevator at all but was confident time would go by quickly with Stevenson.

Through his diverse interests, commitment to wellness, and passion for social justice, Bill Bay has demonstrated that lawyers can be so much more than just legal experts. His visit to our campus provided a refreshing reminder of the versatile nature of the legal profession.

Spotlight: Transylvania’s Advocates for Accessibility

Transylvania’s Advocates for Accessibility is a campus club that works to support the inclusion of students and faculty with disabilities. The club originally was founded through a Student Government Association project by co-founder Abby Muncy. She discussed that, “We were noticing holes of accessibility on campus.” Muncy elaborated that after the initial project of working on campus handicap buttons and classroom accommodations, she realized that these projects were going to become an ongoing task, and needed a club.  

During a typical TAA meeting, members discuss potential issues that have been recognized on campus and what the organization wants to work on going forward. Beyond the monthly meetings, the organization puts together educational events that discuss accessibility and how to be an advocate. Muncy explained how “Accessibility impacts so many people in different ways. Another important thing we’ve learned through starting our organization is that in reality, accessibility helps everyone.” Muncy also emphasized the importance of the club’s voice for everyone on campus. She noted “We are very aware of the problems we have and communicate with other students and faculty. We don’t only serve as a voice for the students but also for professors and faculty.” 

Muncy described the success of the club so far, and how they have made the process of receiving classroom accommodations more equitable. She mentioned the addition of Transylvania’s accessibility coordinator and how that makes any student’s process feel more professional and confidential. The club has worked with the accessibility office to educate the faculty members about accessibility. They are currently working on getting accessibility maps for campus to show students and staff what buildings are accessible. Muncy described how the organization has attempted to make building adjustments such as adding another Crimson Card scanner for Carpenter Academic Building. While the additional scanner would lead to stairs, it would lessen traffic through the accessible entrance to make it easier for those who need to use it. However, building adjustments prove to be difficult due to money and University constraints. 

Progress has been made for an accessibility cart for the Library, where students will be able to check out noise-canceling headphones, fidget toys, hand sanitizer, and accessibility maps. Muncy exclaims, “I want people on campus to be more aware of accessibility and how it impacts everyone.” Transylvania’s Advocates for Accessibility is here to listen to any concerns for issues on campus and advocate. Meetings are open and anyone is welcome to join.

A Rambler Recap Gallery: Halloween Events and Festivities


At this year’s PumpkinMania event, the front of Old Morrison was covered with people, pumpkins, and tables with clubs and vendors. On top of the usual celebrations, the Eventing Team showed up with their horses, allowing them to be pet and fed by visitors!

The Rambler attended later in the day, handing out crosswords and coloring sheets to the kids and students who came by. Event Coordinator Lyra Duffy and Print Lead Brenna Clark carved their own pumpkin to decorate the steps.

SAB TRICK-OR-TREAT – October 29th

As the sun set on Transy’s Back Circle, clubs and organizations began setting up for students, staff, and locals to stop by, grab candy, and dress up. SAB held a costume contest in which two of our own at the Rambler won in select categories: Copy Editor Nate Brother winning “Best Individual Costume” dressed as past Transylvania Housing Staff member Keith Jones, and Casey Columnist Casey Casey winning “Most Creative Costume” dressed as Frieza from the Dragon Ball Z anime. Editor in Chief Katie Axon was also in costume, dressed as “Print’s Undead;” a newspaper boy infected by a zombie virus.


To advertise our Rambler print release, Event Coordinator Lyra Duffy put together the Ghoulish Graves event for all students to attend. Lining the tables of the Pio Rooms with cobweb and jack o’ lantern table clothes, our team set out paint and mini wooden graves for everyone to decorate as their hearts desired. Comics designed by Becca Orjala for the print copy were also set out to be colored. Soon enough, the Pio Rooms were full of students and the graves went fast. Some participants left their graves to be placed as decorations on the Rambler’s Newspaper Box in the Campus Center.


To end off October and set the stage for Halloween that night, the Rambler team got all dressed up to hand out Fall print copies to students in the Campus Center. Giving away over 200 print copies in the span of a few hours, Print Lead Brenna Clark’s hard work was well received by the Transy Community. If you missed it, be sure and look in our Rambler Newspaper Box located in the Campus Center next to the Game Room, where prints can always be found.

Thanks to everyone who made this October so successful, and know that we’re just getting started here at the Rambler student newspaper! Don’t forget to follow our social media to keep up with everything, find us on Instagram, Youtube, and our new TikTok by clicking the “SUBSCRIBE” tab on the side bar to the right.

Print’s not dead and Long Live the Rambler! – Editor in Chief Katie Axon <3

The Death of Dining


A cold drink numbing your fingers.
A small brown to-go box in your arms.
The moonlight paves the way back to your dorm
as the smell of the food in your hands wafts into your nose with each step.

A good night’s meal and a convenient option
lay dead at the corner of the Campus Center.
Beloved and reliable enough,
now gone.

We mourn.

Oh where have the nights gone?
The nights where a late night hankering could be so easily squashed.
The nights where the fluorescent lights buzzed above the line of hungry students.
The nights where Back Circle was full of people
with boxes of food and hands frozen by soda,
enjoying their dinner or snack with friends at picnic tables after a long day of classes.

The death of dinner.
The death of community and convenience.

The ghost of Raf haunts more than just Old Mo.
How many times must he die?
And how many times must the students be cursed by his passing.
Does he really need three tombs?

A snack before class,
A sandwich for lunch.
Hungry students on campus
Aren’t asking for much.

Dollars for dining,
Gone in a flash.
A croissant should never
Waste all my cash.

Options for food
are slim to none,
Most of them closed
While we still see the sun.

Your students are hungry,
Hear our pleas.
We’ve spent all our money!
We need food and ease!

Dogs and Cats: The Headley Whitney Museum’s Fall Art Exhibition is a Must See

At the Headley Whitney Museum, the never-ending question of “dogs or cats?” is on full display, though there’s no need to choose. Open Fridays-Sundays until November 24th, with an extra weekend November 30th and December 1st, DOGS & CATS: An Exhibition works to create an accessible art world through more than 120 mixed media works including paintings, sculptures, photographs, and antique dog collars. As you enter the museum, two 10-foot topiary sculptures of George Headley’s pet dachshund, Ernie, and pet cat, Kitty White Sox, greet you on the front lawn.

Curator Christina Bell works often to incorporate and celebrate local Kentuckians in her exhibitions, bringing in over thirty different notable artists and their stories. “Many of the paintings share through curatorial notes stories about that pet or how the artist came to create the piece for the owner who loved their pet,” says Bell. Artists like Ellen Skidmore and her illustrations from her new book How Dogs Make Me Feel fill the galleries with their love of pets.

Artist Ellen Skidmore during a book signing at the Headley Whitney for her alphabet book “How Dogs Make Me Feel,” available in the museum’s giftshop.

An especially exciting part of the exhibition is the addition of 25 works from Jamie Wyeth’s personal collection from his book Dog Days. If you’re familiar, you may recognize the Wyeth name; Jamie’s father, Andrew Wyeth, and grandfather, N.C. Wyeth are known for their famous paintings and illustrations. Jamie’s path in the art world is definitely his own, however, painting presidential portraits and Christmas cards at only 21 years old, with a painting of Andy Warhol and his dachshund, Archie, displayed in this exhibition along side many of his other works. 

On loan from the National Sporting Library & Museum (NSLM) in Middleburg, VA, is a collection of vintage and antique dog collars. This collection takes you through the 16th to the 20th century of over 50 Dutch, British, French, German, Indian, and American collars. Titled “Identity & Restraint: Art of the Dog Collar,” the gallery takes you through the evolution of the style, history, and purpose of the dog collar, being the favorite of many of those who have visited the exhibition. 

Transylvania art professor Kurt Gohde and son Mason view the National Sporting Library & Museum’s loaned historical dog collar collection.

Set in the heart of the Bluegrass and a quintessential Kentucky scenic drive just ten minutes out Old Frankfort Pike, the Headley Whitney Museum, named after its founder, George W. Headley III, and benefactors, Cornelius Vanderbuilt Whitney and Marylou Whitney, offers a fascinating permanent collection and exhibits the works of notable Kentucky artists as well as presenting regional and international art exhibitions. Four Exhibition Galleries, the Bibelot and Jewel Room featuring Headley’s designs, Whitney Estate Dollhouses, Headley’s Shell Grotto, and the Marylou Whitney Garden create a unique art and cultural experience. Admission is only $10, though students with their student IDs are complimentary.

Below is listed the museum’s upcoming events, including one with Transy’s own Dr. Ellen Furlong and Professor Emeritus! 


Sunday, November 10

2:00 pm 

Talk by Author, STEPHEN VEST 

George Graham Vest, Life & Time of Dog’s Best Friend

Moderated by RICHARD TAYLOR, former Kentucky Poet Laureate, 

TU Professor Emeritus Creative Writing 

Sunday, November 17

2:00 pm 

DR. ELLEN FURLONG, Transylvania University


The Truth About Cats & Dogs? 

A Conversation with Animal Cognition Researchers 

Have you ever wondered if your cat really loves you? Why your dog sometimes makes good choices (coexisting with cats) or bad choices (jumping on visitors at the door)? Or what you can do to make sure your pet is living their best life? Drs. Furlong and Singer will share some insights about what their research tells us from their work in the Transy Dog Behavior and Cognition Lab and then open up for your questions. 

Information from Director and Curator Christina Bell

GALLERY: Chili Cook-off Brings the Heat!

Saturday, October 26th, Kappa Alpha Order and Delta Sigma Phi held their Chili Cook-off event once again, and with great success. Proceeds taken from the entrance fees are put towards The Independence Fund and The Nest Lexington, two local causes the fraternities often support.

Judged by Dean Covert, Michelle Thompson, and President Lewis, each team was ranked on a 1-10 scale (10 as the highest score) in different categories such as taste, texture/temp, presentation, originality, and the overall score being ranked out of 40 points total. There were four winners, the overall winner being the “Texas Chicken Chili” team. Each winning group received mini trophies to take home and place in the “Chili Competition Trophy Case” I assume they all own.

According to Sean Gannon, participant, winner, and member of Delta Sigma Phi, “We had more teams than last time, and more people took it seriously. Some people used cool ingredients like brisket meat, homemade sauces, and spice (compared to last year).”

A Letter to those who Ramble – From your Editor in Chief


A letter to those who ramble,

A few days ago, I wrote up a silly Letter from the Editor in a few minutes that I thought was funny and didn’t really mean much. It was fun and light and everyone agreed it worked because this shouldn’t feel like something heavy or boring, nor should it drone on for paragraph after paragraph about stuff no one cares to read. That being said, I was working on a project for the Rambler tonight and a random thought struck me; Where would I be if I had never joined the Rambler?

I guess I should start this off with a little introduction for those who don’t know me. I’m Katie Axon, the new Editor in Chief of the Rambler since last April; previously the Print Lead. I’m a junior and a Digital Arts and Media major and this may sound dramatic but the Rambler is kinda my life (loser…). I’m sure that sounds silly to those of you who may not know me or what all I’ve done surrounding the Rambler since my Freshman year, but sitting in the Cowgill basement at 11:48pm just now, I realized that this newspaper has paved a lot of paths for me. 

To put it simply without making this too lengthy or sharing too much nonsense about myself, the Rambler helped me find my place and ignite my spark. That’s a bit cheesy, I know, but it’s the best way I can think to put it. This school newspaper has set me up for all the things I consider my current successes and revived my passion for creating. I am full of inspiration and motivation that I lacked before the Rambler fell before me and has allowed me to expand into a much more efficient and creative version of myself I can really be proud of. 

I got into making videos because of the Rambler’s Instagram takeover in November 2023, leading to me creating an award-winning short film and maybe even following that path in my future. I’ve learned so much about design, experimenting with my passions by creating the print copies last year and designing merch, posters, and website stuff. Which, again, could be a path I follow in my future. I’ve learned so much about leadership and being the “boss” of something while organizing stuff and communicating with the people in Old Mo and putting everything together, along with creating connections to people all over campus like President Brien Lewis. I met Nate Brother!… And like Brenna and Lyra and other people too but come on Nate Brother is the GOAT. I may never have connected with so many people without this club. Plus, it was one of the first ways my now-partner Casey and I really interacted. That could have been different or never happened without our interactions at newspaper meetings.

Reviving a dying medium/decaying club on your university’s campus is no easy feat, but I have nothing but feelings of pride and excitement when I think about all I’ve done so far (emphasis on so far). I hope that all the work the Rambler team puts out there brings everyone just as much excitement and joy, and that this silly little club flourishes even when I’m long gone. It’s been 109 years of news so far and I refuse to let that die. 

Stay tuned for many more creative endeavors from the Rambler in the near future, and support us by grabbing a print copy, reading the articles on our website, and telling your friends to do the same. Or support us by writing an article, making a podcast, designing a poster, or like… I don’t know… joining the Rambler?! But even if you can’t “join,” articles can be submitted by any student and ideas are always welcome! Reach out to me ( if you have questions, ideas, or just wanna chat about the newspaper! LONG LIVE THE RAMBLER. PRINT IS NOT DEAD (not on my watch).

Your Beloved “Editor-in-Chimp,”

Katie Axon

BONUS (the original nonsense Letter from the Editor)

Dear Rambler’s,

Since I joined the Rambler, Fetty Wap has been my inspiration. The moment I first heard the words “seventeen thirty-eight” I knew what I had to do. He once told me, “Youthful Zeal, Lifelong Wisdom” which really stuck with me. Now I’ve got the soda. 

It all started on March 19th. That’s when Marge Simpson was born. Then, years later on that same fateful day I was born. Marge once said “Well, I have some tic-tacs in my purse” which was crazy! She’s sooo crazy. I was like her once, full of joy and tic-tacs. Now, I’m on top of the world and also the Rambler! Oh yeah the Rambler. 

Once upon a time I joined the school newspaper. I left the first meeting thinking “eh, it’s alright I guess,” and then immediately got struck by lightning. Now I know the truth: the Rambler is the best club ever and I have to make it even better. It is my life’s goal to spread the news through print copies and other various newspaper media. 

Okay no but forreal, Rambler is back and better than it’s ever been and I’m so excited to watch us evolve even further. Keep an eye out for our new ramblings all year…

#RambleOn #PrintsNotDead

Your Editor in Chimp, 

Katherine Elizabeth Axon 

O’ Ketchup! My Ketchup!


Replaced, by the week.

Ketchup, my love, stay with me.

Do not be taken away.

The caf, the ketchup.

Bright metal, standing proudly.

A flavor obelisk.

No longer hoarded.

No longer empty, all day.

No longer, I cry.

Ketchup, joy to all.

Never empty, always fixed.

Just a press away.

Black granite, white wall.

Frames it perfectly, ketchup.

The best part of caf.


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