A letter to those who ramble,
A few days ago, I wrote up a silly Letter from the Editor in a few minutes that I thought was funny and didn’t really mean much. It was fun and light and everyone agreed it worked because this shouldn’t feel like something heavy or boring, nor should it drone on for paragraph after paragraph about stuff no one cares to read. That being said, I was working on a project for the Rambler tonight and a random thought struck me; Where would I be if I had never joined the Rambler?
I guess I should start this off with a little introduction for those who don’t know me. I’m Katie Axon, the new Editor in Chief of the Rambler since last April; previously the Print Lead. I’m a junior and a Digital Arts and Media major and this may sound dramatic but the Rambler is kinda my life (loser…). I’m sure that sounds silly to those of you who may not know me or what all I’ve done surrounding the Rambler since my Freshman year, but sitting in the Cowgill basement at 11:48pm just now, I realized that this newspaper has paved a lot of paths for me.
To put it simply without making this too lengthy or sharing too much nonsense about myself, the Rambler helped me find my place and ignite my spark. That’s a bit cheesy, I know, but it’s the best way I can think to put it. This school newspaper has set me up for all the things I consider my current successes and revived my passion for creating. I am full of inspiration and motivation that I lacked before the Rambler fell before me and has allowed me to expand into a much more efficient and creative version of myself I can really be proud of.
I got into making videos because of the Rambler’s Instagram takeover in November 2023, leading to me creating an award-winning short film and maybe even following that path in my future. I’ve learned so much about design, experimenting with my passions by creating the print copies last year and designing merch, posters, and website stuff. Which, again, could be a path I follow in my future. I’ve learned so much about leadership and being the “boss” of something while organizing stuff and communicating with the people in Old Mo and putting everything together, along with creating connections to people all over campus like President Brien Lewis. I met Nate Brother!… And like Brenna and Lyra and other people too but come on Nate Brother is the GOAT. I may never have connected with so many people without this club. Plus, it was one of the first ways my now-partner Casey and I really interacted. That could have been different or never happened without our interactions at newspaper meetings.
Reviving a dying medium/decaying club on your university’s campus is no easy feat, but I have nothing but feelings of pride and excitement when I think about all I’ve done so far (emphasis on so far). I hope that all the work the Rambler team puts out there brings everyone just as much excitement and joy, and that this silly little club flourishes even when I’m long gone. It’s been 109 years of news so far and I refuse to let that die.
Stay tuned for many more creative endeavors from the Rambler in the near future, and support us by grabbing a print copy, reading the articles on our website, and telling your friends to do the same. Or support us by writing an article, making a podcast, designing a poster, or like… I don’t know… joining the Rambler?! But even if you can’t “join,” articles can be submitted by any student and ideas are always welcome! Reach out to me (keaxon26@transy.edu) if you have questions, ideas, or just wanna chat about the newspaper! LONG LIVE THE RAMBLER. PRINT IS NOT DEAD (not on my watch).
Your Beloved “Editor-in-Chimp,”
Katie Axon
BONUS (the original nonsense Letter from the Editor)
Dear Rambler’s,
Since I joined the Rambler, Fetty Wap has been my inspiration. The moment I first heard the words “seventeen thirty-eight” I knew what I had to do. He once told me, “Youthful Zeal, Lifelong Wisdom” which really stuck with me. Now I’ve got the soda.
It all started on March 19th. That’s when Marge Simpson was born. Then, years later on that same fateful day I was born. Marge once said “Well, I have some tic-tacs in my purse” which was crazy! She’s sooo crazy. I was like her once, full of joy and tic-tacs. Now, I’m on top of the world and also the Rambler! Oh yeah the Rambler.
Once upon a time I joined the school newspaper. I left the first meeting thinking “eh, it’s alright I guess,” and then immediately got struck by lightning. Now I know the truth: the Rambler is the best club ever and I have to make it even better. It is my life’s goal to spread the news through print copies and other various newspaper media.
Okay no but forreal, Rambler is back and better than it’s ever been and I’m so excited to watch us evolve even further. Keep an eye out for our new ramblings all year…
#RambleOn #PrintsNotDead
Your Editor in Chimp,
Katherine Elizabeth Axon