Auntie Mae answers your questions: Feb. 29


Hello! I’m trying to give up sugar for Lent because I know it’s bad for me, but I have a huge sweet tooth. Do you have any suggestions for ways I can wean myself off sugar?

Hello, I too have an enormous sweet tooth so I feel for you. As far as giving it up cold turkey, I’d suggest temporarily indulging in another addiction of yours whenever you experience an urge. Personally, I love art so if I were giving up chocolate (which is the love of my life) for Lent, I’d draw. This will both take my mind off of the urge and create something beautiful (To my mom and I)!

Who’s the best writer on the Rambler?

Hi, everyone on the Rambler’s staff is talented in their own way! Everyone has strengths and weaknesses that when combined create a strong and wholesome organization for Transy.

Who’s auntie Mae?


Hi Auntie Mae, As spring break approaches, everyone is talking about the amazing trips they are going on and I can’t help but feel left out because I can’t afford to go anywhere. Do you have any suggestions for fun things to do or little trips to take over spring break that won’t break the bank?

Hello, if you plan on staying in the Lexington area for spring break, I suggest exploring downtown Lexington on foot. Walking through the city at night is so fun and it’s something that could be done with others or by yourself, not to mention it’s completely free. However, if you wanted to take a mini vacation, I suggest going to Eastern Kentucky. There are so many monuments and other historical attractions there that are completely free!